The CAVE: Lutes Commute Lounge
NEW TAP CARD ACCESS: Campus Life has installed a card reader for students to access the CAVE during extended hours. To access the CAVE during non-staffed hours, just tap your LuteCard to the card reader located on the kitchen door!
Designed to provide a home-away-from-home for students while they are on campus, the CAVE is a great place to rest, study, and eat between classes and activities! The CAVE also hosts a variety of different, fun-filled events throughout the year for all Lutes to enjoy!
Spring Hours
Monday – Thursday
7:30AM – 6:00PM
7:30AM – 3:00PM
Closed on Weekends
The CAVE Amenities
A Comfy Place to Relax and Study!
Have a break between classes? Need a quiet place to study? The CAVE is the perfect place for both! The CAVE has a variety of comfy couches, chairs, and tables perfect for studying by yourself or with friends! There are also a plethora of games and craft supplies for students to use for projects. A computer is also available for students to use.

Cooking Made Easy in our NEW Kitchen!
During Summer 2023, the CAVE was renovated* to include a brand new kitchen! These include:
- Community Fridge
- Microwaves
- Air Fryer/Toaster Oven
- Hot Plate
- Dishwasher
Pots, pan, utensils, and dishes are available for all students to use to make meals before, after or between classes!
* Renovations were made possible with funding from the Student Activities & Resources Fee (SARF)

Perform on the CAVE Stage!
Host small to large scale performances in the CAVE! The CAVE is known to host events such as musical performances, Late Knight, and more. Our stage is fully equipped with a speaker system, and a projector [connected via desktop computer]. Extra tech support such as microphones, recording services, and stage lighting can be requested as well!
Need extra tech support for your event?
Be sure to include tech specific requests in your EMS space reservation submission. You can also send an email to OR call 253-535-7509 OR visit the Mortvedt Library Room 128!

Want to Reserve the CAVE?
Interested in hosting an event in the CAVE? The CAVE is a great space to hold a variety of events for students on campus. There are a couple of ways that students can reserve the CAVE:
If you are part of a club or organization: connect with your advisor and they will be able to help with navigating the logistics of the EMS webpage
If you are a student employee: connect with your supervisor and they will be able to reserve the space via the EMS webpage
If you want to talk with someone in person: visit the Hospitality Services office on the 2nd floor of the Anderson University Center (AUC Suite 280)
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