Vision, Goals, Strategies

CIWA’s Five-Year Vision for Chinese Expansion in Washington

CIWA’s 5-Year Vision aims to expand Chinese language capacity across the State of Washington and to promote meaningful opportunities for students to learn Chinese language any time, any place.


  1. Increase the pipeline of students entering higher education and the workforce with demonstrated Chinese language proficiency
  2. Increase the number of schools and colleges (PK-16) offering Chinese programs
  3. Increase the number of business employers and employees with demonstrated Chinese language proficiency
  4. Strengthen exchange & collaboration, including academic exchanges among the four CIWA partner organizations.


  • Expand the partnerships between CIWA and all institutions of higher education in the State of Washington, and sustain programmatic collaboration
  • Request more qualified Chinese teachers from Hanban to help launch or expand Chinese programs in partner institutions
  • Support the UW College of Education and other Teacher Colleges to develop and expand Chinese teacher preparation programs to produce a sufficient number of local Chinese teachers to meet the expanding demands of K-12 programs
  • Support the development and access to online Chinese language programs
  • Maximize the use of a variety of effective assessments of Mandarin, including the HSK and YCT, to help students reach their proficiency goals in the language
  • Increase the number of students who have earned the State Seal of Biliteracy for Mandarin
  • Increase the number of students graduating from high schools and colleges in our state with demonstrated proficiency at the Advanced level or higher in Mandarin
  • Pursue appropriate funding sources to support joint collaboration among the four CIWA partners.

This document was reviewed and approved by the CIWA Board of Directors on February 6, 2015.