CIWA Symposium Nov. 5, 2022
US and China: Ways of Togetherness
9:00AM - 9:15AM Opening Remarks
CIWA Board Chair Geoff Foy, Associate Provost of Graduate Programs and Continuing Education
9:15AM - 10:30AM Panel 1: Business Connections
Chung-shing Lee Dean, School of Business, St. Martin’s University
Norwell Coquillard Director, Washington State China Relations Council
Established 1979. The Washington State China Relations Council is the nation’s leading statewide organization dedicated to promoting stronger commercial, educational, and cultural engagement with China.
Jim Mockford President, Northwest China Council
Established 1980. Our mission is to promote a greater understanding of Chinese history, culture, business, and contemporary affairs in the Pacific Northwest.
10:45AM - 12:00 Noon Panel 2: Cultural Connections
Paul Manfredi Professor of Chinese, Pacific Lutheran University
Zhu Yuming Poet, painter
Lü De’an Poet, painter
Zhang Er Poet, Librettist, Tacoma Method
12:00PM - 1:00PM Tour Seattle Chinese Garden, Poetry Reading
1:00PM - 1:30PM ``Two Arias from Tacoma Method`` (composed by Gregory Youtz)
1) This Is My Home
2) My Little Cup
1:30PM - 2:30PM Lunch
2:45PM - 4:00PM Panel 3: Educational Connections
Lü Chan Associate Professor, University of Washington
Matthew Burke Chinese Language Instructor, Lincoln High School
Tracy Ge Chinese Language Instructor, Sammamish High School
Sun Burford Chinese Language Instructor, Tyee Middle School
4:15PM - 5:30PM Panel 4: Natural Connections
Seattle Chinese Garden
Theresa Pan Hosley
President, Chinese Reconciliation Foundation
Elizabeth Nye
Director, Lansu Garden, Portland Oregon
5:30PM - 5:45PM Concluding Remarks
Paul Manfredi, Director, CIWA
6:00PM Dinner
This program may be subject to adjustments as we move closer to the Symposium. For more information on The Seattle Chinese Garden where the Symposium will take place see: