“I Like People, Places…and Things!”
![Luther Bust](https://www.plu.edu/congregations/wp-content/uploads/sites/144/2019/04/martin-luther-head-e1556126173931.jpg)
Image: Martin Luther Statue in Red Square at PLU on Friday, Aug. 19, 2011.
``I like people, places...and things!``
Greetings, Friends and Colleagues in Ministry,
I bring you greetings in the midst of all the beautiful chaos that summer ministry can hold!
As I near the six-month mark of being the Director of Congregational Engagement at Pacific Lutheran University, I have recently taken some time to reflect on what these past few months have held, for me and for PLU!
During the months of April, May, and June, a few of my esteemed colleagues and I had the great joy and opportunity to represent PLU to each of the six Synod Assemblies within Region 1 of the ELCA.
In Anchorage, AK we welcomed Spring with song and study, with fellowship, story, mutuality, and communal tenacity.
We witnessed the election of three new bishops in the Oregon, Northwest Washington, and Montana Synods. We give thanks for the blessed ministry of our outgoing bishops, and we pray for our colleagues stepping into new roles with new responsibilities.
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On campus we had the wonderful opportunity to host a lecture and conversation featuring Dr. Reverend Kelly Brown Douglass in February, sponsored by our fabulous Religion Faculty.
Our partners in Campus Ministry hosted an Interfaith Seder, the second annual Interfaith Games, a beautiful chapel series on “Wrestling with Blessing”, and the annual People’s Gathering: A Revolution of Consciousness conference.
I also had the opportunity to host our annual Summer Conference in Pastoral Theology