Medical Care | 医疗保健

On-Campus | 校园內

The PLU Health Center offers primary health care to PLU students (regardless of insurance), including illness and injury care and physicals. Services include filling prescriptions, management of acute illnesses and injuries like colds and muscle injuries, evaluating and managing chronic illnesses like asthma, immunizations, gender-specific health care, physical examinations, sexual health services and emergency contraception, and care for emotional and mental health. Many services are offered at no cost or are covered through your PLU International Study Health Insurance.

Call (253-535-7337) or go online to make an appointment.



DNP and student

Emergency, Urgent, & Off-Hours | 紧急事件,迫切需求和非工作时段

If the health center is closed and you require urgent (non-emergency) medical advice, you can call the MultiCare nurse consulting line: 253-792-6410. You will need your insurance card information. The nurse can talk with you about your symptoms or concerns and let you know what steps to take.


For emergency medical care, call 7911 from an on-campus phone or 911 off-campus. There will be additional costs for emergency services you receive, as outlined in your student insurance policy. If you are transported to a hospital, either Dr. Geoffrey Foy or Angenette Pickett Call will be notified.

如需紧急医疗护理,请拨打校园电话7911或校外电话911。根据学生保险单的规定,您收到的紧急服务将收取额外费用。如果您被送往医院,Geoffrey博士或Angenette Pickett Call主任将会收到通知。

Mental Health Care | 心理健康护理

On-Campus | 校园內

The PLU Health Center works with the PLU Counseling Center (253-535-7206) to offer evaluation and treatment of anxiety, depression, and more. The two centers work together to find the best places for you to seek care – whether that’s talking about a specific issue or trying long-term counseling, medication, or referral to off-campus resources. They also provide counseling and referrals related to tobacco, alcohol, and drug abuse.


  • During business hours: call the Counseling Center (253-535-7206). For life-threatening emergencies call 911 or 988 for mental health emergencies, or contact the PLU Campus Safety Office at 253-535-7911 for immediate assistance.

  • Emergencies (immediate threat of harm to self or others): call PLU Campus Safety (253-535-7911) or 911
    紧急情况(对自己或对他人造成伤害或直接威胁):致电PLU Campus Safety(253-535-7911)或 911

Health Insurance | 医疗健康保险

In the United States, you must have health insurance to cover any services you receive from doctors, nurses, pharmacies, and other medical practitioners. You are required to enroll in the PLU International Student Health Insurance Plan, which can be used at the PLU Student Health Center and with specific covered providers. Try to use the PLU Student Health Center whenever possible, since services will be significantly less expensive there.


Key Information | 关键信息

  • You will need to show your insurance card every time you seek services, so make sure to always have it with you.
  • You can look up your plan summary and full plan details online to see all the information about your plan.
  • Your plan does not include dental care or vision (glasses/contacts).
  • Treatment in your home country is not covered by your plan, even if you travel there while studying at PLU.
  • There is a $500 deductible in your plan, but it is waived for services through the PLU Student Health Center.

The PLU Health Center can answer many of your questions about your insurance. If you have any questions they cannot answer or would like someone to attend an appointment at the PLU Health Center with you, contact ABC program staff.

How to use your insurance off-campus | 如何在校外使用您的保险

  1. Check your plan to make sure what you need is covered.
  2. Find a network provider by using the online tool.
    请使用online tool以便寻找到承保提供商
  3. Call the provider or visit their website to make an appointment. Confirm that they take your insurance.
  4. Show up for your appointment 10-15 minutes early. You may need to pay a co-pay and/or they may have paperwork for you to complete.
  5. Meet with your provider. Ask lots of questions, especially if you don’t understand what they ask or tell you.
    与您的 承保提供商会面。请勿害羞提问,问清楚一切问题,特别是您不理解他们在问您什么或者告诉您什么。
  6. If you receive a bill (or had to pay the full amount of your services up-front), submit a “claim form” so the insurance company can pay your provider (or pay you back). Make sure to submit your claim as soon as you get your bill!

Health Insurance Registration | 健康保險登記

Deadline: August 20, 2019

You must register for health insurance before leaving China. Click here for detailed directions.


Important Insurance Terminology | 重要保险术语

  • Provider (提供者): 任何从事医疗服务的人,例如医生,护士,牙医,药剂师,外科医生等。
  • Network Providers (承保提供商): 您可以在您的保险计划下看到所有承保提供商。使用非承保提供商的费用将会更加昂贵,并不被您的保险计划包含在内。
  • Deductible (免赔额度): 在您的保险担保之前必须自付的费用。
  • Co-pay (协作支付): 您在收到药物或服务时预先支付的款项。
  • Co-insurance (共同保险): 一旦您的免赔额度达到上限,您和您的保险公司将如何分摊超出费用。通常为80/20计划,保险公司支付80%费用,您自己需支付20%。

Additional Health and Wellness Resources | 额外的健康和保健资源

How to Manage Reactions to Trauma and Stress

Relaxation and Stress Management


As many as half of all college students suffer from depression at some point during their university career. Some of these students may feel so overwhelmed or helpless that they will consider taking their own lives.

By knowing the warning signs that someone is depressed or suicidal, by showing support and taking the time to ask that person if they are doing ok, and by telling that person where to get help, you can help someone who may be in serious trouble before it is too late.



The Facts (案例) (from

  • Sexual violence is against the law.
  • Sexual violence can happen to anyone.
  • Sexual violence is unwanted sexual comments, contact, or intercourse
  • Using drugs or alcohol to facilitate a sexual assault is against the law
  • Even if you have been intimate with someone previously, consent must be mutual.
  • Make sure you have your partner’s consent by communicating openly each time you are intimate.

Additional Links and Resources | 其他链接和资源