J-Term 2021 Study Away Programs Postponement
To: J-Term 2021 Study Away Program students
From: The Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education
Dear J-Term 2021 Study Away Program participants,
On behalf of the Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education, I write to inform you that, due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19 locally and globally, we have made the difficult decision to postpone January Term 2021 study away programs to Summer 2021 Term I or II.
In partnership with university officials, the Wang Center has been monitoring developments of the COVID 19 global pandemic with special attention to notifications and updates from standard points of reference (US State Department, CDC, WHO, among others) as well as on the ground sources including US Embassy and public health notifications in locations where you had planned to study and acknowledges the current ban on US travelers to many parts of the world.
Based on the information we have gathered and the ongoing concerns that unpredictable surges of COVID 19 would compromise student safety and wellbeing, J-Term 2021 programs have been rescheduled and we are hopeful that conditions will improve by June/July 2021.
In order to support you through this change in plans and to aid you in navigating next steps, we have prepared answers to what we anticipate will be your most frequently asked questions.
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