Services Currently Not Offered
Click below for more info on services we are unable to provide at this time through PLU Counseling Services.
Services Currently Not Provided:
- Intensive, long-term, or weekly open-ended therapy. Possible indicators for longer term or more intensive therapy include:
- Recent or multiple psychiatric hospitalizations.
- Chronic thoughts of suicide, frequent self-injury behaviors, or history of repeated suicide attempts.
- Evidence or risk of progressive deterioration in mental or emotional functioning that requires intensive interventions.
- Documentation for emotional support animals.
- Couples and family counseling.
- Alcohol and other drug abuse assessments.
- Eating disorder assessment and treatment.
- Neuro-psychological evaluations or testing for learning disabilities.
- Formal disability assessments.
- Court ordered or mandated treatment.
- Fitness for duty or work evaluations.
Students may be referred to community providers for:
- Issues which require a specific type of therapy not practiced by staff.
- Treatment, evaluation, or medication management that falls beyond the expertise of the PLU Counseling Center staff.
- Treatment when not medically stable or when intensive medical treatment is required.
- Treatment when behavior creates a hostile working or learning environment affecting staff and/or other students (e.g. a student who is verbally abusive towards and/or threatens staff).
- Persistent impairments or a sustained decline in functioning.
- Lack of personal motivation for counseling.
- Telehealth services when students are studying abroad.
The general guidelines listed above are only intended to serve as a guide to assist treatment decisions. The nature and complexity of presenting concerns and the broader context are considered in making the appropriate treatment recommendations(s). Students are evaluated individually and the professional judgment of the mental health providers(s) will determine the treatment recommendation in a particular case.
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