Ara Gibson

Mental Health Counseling Intern


Ara Gibson

Office Location: Anderson University Center - 300

  • Professional
  • Biography


  • Master of Arts, Psychology, Seattle University, in process
  • Bachelor of Science, Public Relations, University of Florida, 2004

Areas of Emphasis or Expertise

  • Trauma-Informed Yoga Training - Yoga Behind Bars, Conferred 2020
  • Trauma-Informed Yoga Training - Off the Mat. Into the world, Conferred 2018
  • Advanced E-RYT - 8 Limbs Yoga Centers, Conferred 2017
  • Yoga Therapy for Anxiety and Depression - American Viniyoga Institute, Conferred 2016
  • Certified Pre/postnatal Yoga Teacher - 8 Limbs Yoga Centers, Conferred 2015
  • Register Yoga Teacher (RYT) - 8 Limbs Yoga Centers, Conferred 2009


Ara Gibson is currently enrolled in Seattle University’s Master of Arts in Psychology program. With a background in yoga, mindfulness, and meditation, she has 16 years of experience supporting clients through mind-body and meditative practices. She also has been working in community mental health, specifically with crisis response outreach. She is trained in trauma-informed yoga, as well as yoga for depression and anxiety. With a holistic, person-centered approach to therapy, Ara aims to create a safe and comfortable space for clients to come as they are…and together you will explore ways to find more balance and ease on your path.