The Diversity Center receives Carol Quigg award to support iGroup Program.
The Women’s Center changes its name to the Center for Gender Equity to better reflect its mission of inclusion and intersectionality.
PLU employs its first pastor affiliated with the LGBTQ community.
The Director of the Center for Gender Equity and Director of Diversity Center co-chair first Trans Taskforce.
The Collective presents at the Board of Regents.
Residential Life Resident Directors create “J-Groups” Intergroup Dialogue-based four-week reading/discussion groups on various social justice topics for R/CA continued education.
Development of new Residential Learning Communities (RLCs) that are affinity based, including First in Family, Students of Color, and Lavender Communities takes place.
The Diversity Center hosts first Orientation Welcome Reception, to welcome and celebrate students and families from various cultural affinity groups.
Queer BBQ hosted during the first week of school in the backyard of the Center for Gender Equity.
The Diversity Center hosts first alumni travel weekend to Hawai’i.
Multi-Faith Mediation and Prayer space is established in Anderson University Center.

Fences becomes the first theater production directed by a student of color. 2009 The Tunnel of OppressionThe Diversity Center, Residential Life, and Student Involvement and Leadership sponsor the first Tunnel of Oppression. Queer Student RetreatThe First Queer Student Retreat
takes place. WorkshopsBette J. Dickerson, Ph.D. and Associate Professor of Sociology…
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PLU establishes and fills the position of Dean of Inclusive Excellence.

The Diversity Center and Marketing and Communications partner to participate in the Tacoma Pride Festival.