DJS Celebrations & Awareness Events

Gender & Sexuality Week & National Coming out Day
Gender & Sexuality Week is an opportunity for the PLU community to individually and collectively explore concepts of gender and sexuality as they relate to each of us, across our campus, and in our broader communities. We invite you to join us in critically considering and intentionally celebrating the ways that these concepts contribute to who we are.

Global Getdown
As part of the annual International Education Week, The Diversity Center hosts Global Getdown, an opportunity for our campus community to highlight our cultural backgrounds through performance. This can be represented in ANY performance, OR cultural activity, such as dancing, singing, poetry i.e. whatever one wants to do in representation of their culture!

Transgender Day of Rememberance
Nationally celebrated on November 20th, Transgender Day of Remembrance honors the memory of transgender community members who lost their lives in acts of anti-transgender violence.

Transgender Day of Visibility
Internationally celebrated on March 31st Transgender Day of Visibility celebrates our Transgender community members and recognizes the continued work to build inclusive communities.

Earth & Diversity Week
In partnership with ASPLU and Environmental Studies, the Center for DJS is glad to co-host Earth & Diversity Week. Earth & Diversity Week is an opportunity to explore the interconnected relationship between diversity, justice, and sustainability and how these values experienced in our contexts today. Earth & Diversity Week is hosted annually during the week of Earth Day and features an Earth Day lecture, campus activities, and dialogue groups.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and we collaborated with many campus offices to provide diverse events designed to raise awareness and increase prevention.

Spirit of Diversity Awards
Our annual celebration of students, faculty, and staff who have contributed to the mission of The Diversity Center and greater PLU community through diversity, justice, and sustainability leadership, learning, and care. At this event, we also recognize ALL graduating seniors who identify as Students of Color and/or Queer in a special ceremony and gifted a pin to wear on their commencement regalia.
Learn more about the Spirit of Diversity Awards
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