2024-2025 DJS Clubs
DJS Clubs leaders believe in and work to promote equity between individuals and across the institution. This coalition of clubs will work from an intentional and intersectional framework that centers service, marginalized identities and raises awareness of injustice at PLU through community, critical curiosity and advocacy.
- Build a collaborative community of DJS club leaders
- Provide professional development opportunities to learn leadership skills
- Develop relationships with club advisors to gain insight and support
Asian Pacific Islander Student Association (APISA)
The Asian Pacific Islander Student Association (APISA) aims to promote Asian Pacific Islander cultures and support within the PLU community and to educate ourselves and our peers so we can obtain unity through diversity and create a warm and welcoming environment for all students of Pacific Lutheran University.
Email: api@plu.edu Instagram: pluapisa
Birders at PLU

Birders of PLU is a DJS Club that focuses on birdwatching, but also on the importance of educating others on the spaces in which we birdwatch to keep it safe and clean, as birdwatching goes both ways. We also aim to get more students out birdwatching, and break down presupposed stereotypes or barriers that center around birdwatching.
Email: birdersofplu@plu.edu Instagram: birders_of_plu
Black Student Union

The Black Student Union (BSU) was founded to bring together students of Black descent under a collective centered around community, unity, and care. The Black Student Union seeks to promote Black pride, visibility, liberation, and collectivity on our campus. We will strive to host functions that cater to our mental health, educational, and entertainment needs as Black students at a white, capitalist institution.
Email: bsu@plu.edu Instagram: plu_bsu
GREAN, or Grass Roots Environmental Action Now, is a club that promotes environmental awareness and action on campus and throughout the community to combat threats to our ecosystem and surrounding environment.
The group itself has helped organize campaigns such as Take Back the Tap, as well as the Smart Paper Campaign, an initiative to change the paper policy on campus to using post consumer recycled paper. Additionally, the club has been involved in many on-the-ground activities such as invasive species removals, and environmental activism events.
International Student Union
LatinX Unidos
Mariachi Club
Mariachi del Pacifico is a club for all levels of musicians to learn, enjoy, and perform mariachi music together here at PLU.
Email: Mariachiclub@plu.edu Instagram: @mariachi_plu
Native Indigenous Student Association
Our club offers a community on campus that prioritizes belonging for Indigenous students. We educate ourselves and our community on global indigenous cultures as a form of celebration and activism. We work towards providing a space to celebrate culture, heritage, and traditions with one another.
Email: nisa@plu.edu Instagram: plunisa
Social Work Student Organization
The Social Work Student Organization seeks to create links and support systems between students in the Social Work program, especially between cohorts. The organization is looking to create more opportunities to bring more students into the program and educate students on the social work profession. The Social Work Student Organization engages in service, advocacy, diversity, and inclusion efforts.
Email: socialworkorg@plu.edu Instagram: plusocworg
STEMinist Club
The mission of STEMinist Club is to create a community with those underrepresented in the STEM field. We aim to provide resources and learn about experiences from professionals in their respective fields.
Email: steminist@plu.edu Instagram: @plusteminist
Social Media