April 29, 2025 | 6:30-7:30 p.m. | AUC CK Hall Room 214
Native Now and Forever: Celebrating and Integrating Indigenous Literary Voice for Young Readers
CCDEI Hours: Participants may earn up to 3 hours of CCDEI clock hours for the lecture and classroom activities following the lecture. Sign in at the clock hour table prior to the lecture.
- Attending the lecture and book signing (1.5 hours)
- Using books by Cynthia Leitich Smith with students (1 hour)
- Reflecting on and discussing with your students lessons learned during lecture (0.5 hours)
- Writing a reflection and completing an attestation (required)
Cost for three (3) CCDEI hours: $75
Once you have turned in your attestation, please click the button below to pay $75 for 3 CCDEI Clock Hours. The paperwork will be sent to the email you provided in your attestation.
Attestation forms will be accepted until June 1, 2025
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