Intersectional Environmentalism and Environmental Justice:
If you’re interested in reading up on the intersections of environmental justice and anti-racism, we invite you to draw on the wealth of resources our faculty put together here
20-21 Student Projects Showcase
Below we proudly showcase examples of the work that the teachers and students of our Program developed this academic year.
ENVT/RELI 239: Environment and Culture | Dr. Sarah Robinson-Bertoni
Coming Soon!
ENVT 350: Environmental Methods of Investigation
Dr. Rose McKenney and Guest Instructors
Every semester, students in this course take a one-week course with an expert instructor representing four different disciplines. Each instructor designs and assigns a project to provide students with the opportunity to apply their disciplinary lens to the Watershed. In addition, students complete several projects designed and supported by the main instructor of the course. Below we share a selection of this year’s disciplinary content and student projects.
Reflections on the Clover Creek Watershed and Parkland Prairie
This year’s ENVT 350 students created resources to share their knowledge of the watershed with others and wrote letters to express their concerns about the health of the watershed.
- Dannie Vashchenko created an animated book titled, “To Our Collective Health Learning to Flow and Grow Together.”
- You can access the animated book by clicking below:
You can download the book here.
- Shalom Wundimu created a resource evaluating the overall health of the watershed and applying our Program’s Learning Outcomes.
- You can view Shalom’s resource by clicking below:
Coast Salish Sea Stories | Dr. Suzanne Crawford O’Brien
Students in ENVT 350 repeatedly mentioned the invaluable experience of learning about the Coast Salish Sea traditions and values. Below Dr. Crawford O’Brien shares a video of one of her favorite Coast Salish scholars Jo-ann Archibald, talking about and telling a story by one of the greatest contemporary storytellers, Vi Hilbert.
A literary tour of the watershed | Dr. Adela Ramos
Students in ENVT 350 read Mary Shelly’s famous novel, Frankenstein (1818), to consider how the language of sensibility and the values it carries shape our relationship to the environment. Drawing inspiration from the novel’s letters and language, they each created and recorded a letter using audio or audiovisual materials, where they addressed an environmental issue about which they gained awareness through their work on the watershed.
Digital Storytelling | Dr. Kevin O’Brien
Students in RELI 365: Climate Justice created a variety of digital stories using audio and video to explore values and ask questions about complex environmental problems.
Coming Soon!
Social Media