Bradford Andrews
Associate Professor of Anthropology

Phone: 253-535-8389
Office Location: Xavier Hall - 142
Curriculum Vitae: View my CV
- Professional
- Biography
Additional Titles/Roles
- Department Chair of Anthropology
- Ph.D., Anthropology, Penn State University, 1999
- M.A., Anthropology, Penn State University, 1995
- B.A., Anthropology, Ft. Lewis College, Durango, CO, 1986
Areas of Emphasis or Expertise
- Craft Production
- Lithic Technology
- Cultural Ecology
- New World Complex Societies
- Great Basin and Montane Foragers & Semi-Sedentary Farmers
Selected Publications
- Pathways to Prismatic Blades: A Study in Mesoamerican Obsidian Core-Blade Technology co-edited with Kenneth Hirth (The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press 2002) : View Book
Selected Presentations
- Calixtlahuaca Lithic Technology, Presentation for the Calixtlahuaca Project Workshop, School for Human Evolution and Social Research, Arizona State University (2013)
- Presentation for the Asociación de Guias de Oaxaca A.C, Las herramientas de piedra de Calixtlahuaca: interpretaciones sociopolíticas preliminaries de la periferia azteca occidental (Calixtlahuaca Stone Tools: Preliminary Sociopolitical Interpretations from the Western Aztec Periphery), Association of Tour Guides, Oaxaca (2011)
- Paper presented at the Pacific Lutheran University Faculty Scholarship Dinner, Calixtlahuaca Stone Tools and Society: Defining Imperial Economic Trends in the Aztec Provinces, Pacific Lutheran University (2011)
Professional Memberships/Organizations
Bradford W. Andrews is an anthropological archaeologist with Mesoamerican and North American research interests. He received his Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University in 1999. As an anthropological archaeologist, his specific research interests include the comparative investigation of societal complexity, political economy, craft production, migration, and cultural ecology. His primary methodological specialty is the study of flaked stone tool production; this approach provides a useful means for reconstructing ancient economic systems, which provide a basis for making inferences about other aspects of society including social organization and ideology. He has published an edited volume with Kenneth Hirth, Pathways to Prismatic Blades, and contributed various chapters to other edited volumes on his research relating to Mesoamerican blade production. He has also published peer-reviewed journal articles on the prehistory of peoples who lived in Colorado, Utah, and Pennsylvania, and an article on reconstructing the pre-Hispanic population at the Mayan site of Sayil on the Yucatan Peninsula.
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