SurPLUs Store
The SurPLUs store operates as a closed loop cycle by diverting items in good condition to SurPLUs that would otherwise be sent to the landfill. Thus, the SurPLUs store gives PLU students, staff and faculty members the chance to participate in this cycle by donating and purchasing these items, working towards the “reuse” component of the 5 R’s (reduce, refuse, reuse, repair, and recycle).
SurPLUs typically receives inventory from the various offices on campus, as well as a large influx of items during each Spring Move-Out as students clear out their Residence Halls.
Finding SurPLUs
SurPLUs is located next to Facilities on lower campus.
It is adjacent to the Mailroom, across from the Morken Parking Lot.
Foss Hall is a second location we hold Large Furniture items.
Foss is open to appointments only – email

How to Donate Items
- For PLU Departments:
- To have items picked up: the appropriate staff member must submit a detailed work order (see SurPLUs Donation Guidelines for more information)
- Please make sure to have the item(s) easily accessible even when the requester is not at the location, or specify on the work order how the item(s) need to be picked up (note: if you have special pick up requests this may delay the pickup).
- To have items picked up: the appropriate staff member must submit a detailed work order (see SurPLUs Donation Guidelines for more information)
- For On Campus Students:
- Donation boxes are located in each residential hall. Items may be placed in the boxes at any time.
- In Ordal, Hinderlie, Pflueger, Hong, and Kreidler the boxes are located in the first floor recycling room.
- In Stuen the box is located in the second floor recycling room.
- In Harstad, Tingelstad, and South the boxes are located in the laundry rooms.
- Donation boxes are located in each residential hall. Items may be placed in the boxes at any time.
- For All (PLU departments, students, all staff)
- Items can also be delivered directly to SurPLUs: please deliver during open hours (see above) or contact the Waste diversion Office or the Facilities Management front desk to arrange a drop off time.
SurPLUs Policies
Our SurPLUs policies allow PLU to ensure efficient turnover of all items in SurPLUs storage. The established policies also prevent further buildup of surplus items.
Any member of the PLU community can donate acceptable items by dropping them off in SurPLUs during open hours (or by pre-arranging a drop off with the Waste Diversion Department.
For detailed information regarding our Donation Guidelines please see our SurPLUs Donation Guidelines document in our Document and Forms section.
General Donation Guidelines
Items that are accepted for donation range from furniture and office supplies to clothing, kitchen items, and working electronics. In general, items are acceptable if they are in good working condition.
- Please note: SurPLUs employees reserve the right to accept or deny any donation on the grounds of quality, safety, and/or utility.
- For detailed information regarding acceptable donations please see our SurPLUs Donation Guidelines.