Harstad Endowed Curricular Development Grants

The annual Harstad Endowed Curricular Grants are intended to fund the development of curricula that highlight the culture, values, intellectual contributions, and history of Scandinavia to ensure that connections to the university’s heritage are vibrant, current, and accessible to students across fields of study.

Deadline to apply is February 10, 2025

Applications are due to the Office of the Provost, with copy to college dean.


All continuing faculty (faculty who have teaching responsibilities in AY 25-26) are eligible to apply.

Amount of Awards

Recipients will receive a stipend of $2500, which will be disbursed at the beginning of the fiscal year of the award. As funding permits, recipients will also have access to resources to use for programmatic costs – such as funds to cover local field trips, honoraria for guest speakers, relevant travel to gather information or build relationships (e.g., with guest speakers), or the acquisition of teaching materials. This amount will vary based on the performance of the endowment, but will typically be approximately $500. While it is anticipated that there will be one faculty recipient per year, in this inaugural year, funds are available to support multiple recipients.


  1. Faculty will propose the development of a course or course unit(s) related to Scandinavia to be taught in AY 25-26.
  2. The proposal should also list and describe any associated programmatic costs for which the applicant seeks support (e.g., support for field trips, honoraria for guest speakers, or the purchase of teaching materials).
  3. Proposals should be submitted electronically to the office of the Provost. The proposal should include a one-page description of the course or course unit(s) related to Scandinavia (including a rationale for the course/unit), a proposed budget, estimated course enrollment, and a timeline (including when in AY 25-26 the course will be taught).
  4. Proposals will be reviewed by a faculty committee appointed by the provost. The committee will make a recommendation to the provost regarding that year’s recipient.