To protect the privacy of the information you send to us, please upload your documents directly to our secure portal. Documents sent via email containing personally identifiable information (e.g. social security number, PLU ID number, state driver's license or identification card numbers, etc.) will be deleted before being opened. Documents sent to us by fax or U.S. Postal service can be accepted, but handling, posting, and processing will take considerably longer. Uploading your document will require you to login using your PLU ePass.

For Students

Verification Worksheets

If your FAFSA has been selected for Verification, download the applicable worksheet (V1, V4, or V5), sign and upload it to our secure portal with the required documents. Current students, please get this done as soon as possible - Prospective students, please wait until after submitting the admission deposit confirming your intent to enroll at PLU.

For Faculty/Staff

Misc Forms

Payment Request Form (pdf)
view download
Use this form to have a check made out to a vendor when no invoice is involved (i.e. membership, conference registration, subscription renewal, etc.), or for reimbursement. If you have travel expenses, this form is for use ONLY for local travel - if there is NO overnight stay involved. If your travel involves an overnight stay, you must use the Travel Expense Voucher.
Lost or Unavailable Receipt Form (xls)
This form is to be used in the case that you have lost the original receipt, or did not receive one. Take note that a lost meal receipt needs to have additional information regarding those in attendance and what was ordered.

Purchase Cards

Travel/Business Expenses

Pre-Travel Authorization Form (xls)
Use this form for authorization before you travel. You may also request reimbursement before the trip for airfare or meals ONLY. Any other items (i.e. lodging, registration, etc.) will be reimbursed AFTER the trip.