International Students
International students who have been admitted to PLU and enroll full-time are eligible for scholarships and grants funded by the university. Awards are intended to assist students in meeting the cost of the university’s tuition for the year.
Awards made to students admitted into the undergraduate degree program can have their awards renewed for up to three additional years (if entering as a first year student, two additional years if entering as a transfer student), provided satisfactory academic progress toward a degree is maintained each semester. There is no separate scholarship application – awards are made on the strength of the student’s application for admission to the university. Notice of a scholarship offer is made to the student via email from the Admission Office at the time the student is accepted for admission.
PLU International Student Checklists
Are you a New Student or a Continuing Student? Make sure to complete the required checklist before starting the next term. New students must complete the entire checklist. Continuing Students may skip to Estimate your Costs and complete the checklist from there.
You will need to pay your Tuition Deposit online.
You will need to complete your New Student Housing application.
Create your PLU email and epass. After your PLU Tuition Deposit is paid, you are required to request your PLU email account. Have you 8 digit PLU ID number ready. PLU email is the main source of communication between you and the university.
All students are required to complete the Student Conduct Survey.
In your PLU acceptance packet, you received Medical History, Consent & Immunization form. Make sure this is completed and submitted to the PLU Health Center.
Make sure to review the Cost Information for the upcoming academic year and use the Cost Estimator Workshee to understand your costs for the upcoming term.
International ire transfers may be made through the University’s International Payment Processor – flywire online or by calling 800-346-9252.
PLU requires all international students to maintain medical insurance.
If you will have a vehicle at PLU make sure to register it with PLU’s Campus Safety.
Check out PLU’s Lute Locker for your PLU gear and to order your textbooks.
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