Undocumented Students
Undocumented students attending PLU are considered for the university’s academic and artistic achievement scholarships in the same manner as domestic students. Academic awards are made on the basis of a student’s record of academic achievement in high school or college and artistic achievement scholarships are awarded on the basis of an in-person or video audition or by submitting a portfolio of their work.
Undocumented students who are also Washington residents may also be eligible for financial aid funding through the state of Washington, including the Washington State College Grant, the Washington State College Bound Scholarship, and the Washington State Work Study program. Application for these programs are made through the Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA).
Current federal law limits federal student aid funding to U.S. citizens or persons in the U.S. with permanent resident status. Although undocumented students are currently ineligible for federal student aid, the U.S. Department of Education has provided a Resource Guide: Supporting Undocumented Youth,
After students have been admitted to the university, the PLU Office of Student Financial Services will generate a financial aid offer that outlines the types and amount of assistance being offered as well as the university cost for tuition and on or off campus living or living with parents.
For a more complete description of the support and services PLU makes available to our undocumented students, click here.
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