General Education Council Membership 2017-2019
Rona Kaufman, FYEP Program Director
Ron Gerhardstein, Department of Music
Scott Rogers, Department of English
Matt Smith, Department of Biology
Laura McCloud, Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice
Carmina Palerm, IHON Program Director
Kevin Berg, Registrar
Hal DeLaRosby, Academic Advising
Jan Lewis, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Programs
Gracie Anderson, Student Representative
Carlos Apeda, Student Representative
What We Do: Functions and Duties
Conduct regular programmatic curricular review and oversight, recommending changes in the program subject to regular policies and procedures established by the university faculty.
The council recommends to the Educational Policies Committee (EPC) any broad curricular changes, stemming from on-going assessment and review, of the General Education Program.
The council reviews and comments on proposals referred from the Educational Policies Committee as appropriate to the General Education Program.
Facilitate general program oversight and management.
The council oversees and facilitates, in collaboration with the registrar, deans and department chairs, and faculty, the submission of course offerings to meet student enrollment needs in the General Education program.
The Council facilities the development of faculty guidelines and mechanisms for General Education courses and programs.
The council reviews and consults on the creation and implementation of any needed policies and procedures as they relate to the General Education program.
Coordinate the General Education Program with other academic units.
Advocate, promote, and represent the program.
The council works as liaison to schools, divisions, and departments as they deliver the General Education Program.
The council supports greater coherence and visibility for General Education by informing the faculty and university community concerning implementation, assessment, modification and success of the university’s General Education Program.
Encourage, enhance, and sustain the active involvement of all academic administrative units of the university in General Education.
Facilitate programmatic assessment and quality assurance.
Work with divisions, schools, and departments on the creation and implementation of frameworks for assessment, including academic quality, learning outcomes, and student experiences related to General Education.
Work with divisions, schools, and departments to gather appropriate data that will provide insight into program effectiveness and student success as aligned with appropriate standards (e.g., Integrated Learning Objectives).
Review and analyze overall program data for ongoing improvement and revision.