Past Bjug A. Harstad Memorial Lectures

2018-2019 Bjug Harstad Memorial Lecture
“ Ibsen and Place“
Dr. Lisbeth Pettersen Wærp, Professor of Scandinavian Literature
University of Tromsø – Artic University of Norway
2017-2018 Bjug Harstad Memorial Lecture
“ Bjug Harstad – A Man For All Seasons“
Dr. Phil Nordquist, Professor Emertius of History

2016-2017 Bjug Harstad Memorial Lecture
“Puncturing The Exotic: A Recipe For How To Try To Be Funny Sometimes”
Sigbjørn Skåden, an award-winning Sámi poet and novelist from Norway
2015-2016 Bjug Harstad Memorial Lecture
“The Role of National Identities in a Rapidly Changing World”
Dr. Hege C. Finholt
Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Arts and Ideas, University of Oslo

2014-2015 Bjug Harstad Memorial Lecture
“Why Norwegian Women Can Have It All”
Cathrine Sandnes
Norwegian journalist and editor
2013-14 Bjug Harstad Memorial Lecture
“The Arctic Pastoral: Nordic Polar Literature at the Turn of the Century”
Professor Henning Howlid Wærp
Professor of Nordic Literature at the University of Tromsø

Previous Bjug A. Harstad Lecture Scholars
2011-2012 Eldbjørg Hemsing
2010-2011 Marta Norheim
2009-2010 Sigrun Slapgard
2007-2008 Per Thomas Andersen
2006-2007 Ingeborg Kongslien
2005-2006 Dr. Ande Somby
2004-2005 Professor Helge Pharo
2003-2004 Lars Anders Kulbrandstad
2002-2003 Jon-Roar Bjorkvold
2001-2002 Jahn Otto Johansen
2000-2001 Thorvald Stoltenberg
1998-1999 Odd S. Lovell
1997-1998 Gunnar Sonsteby