Giovanna Urdangarain
Professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies

- Professional
- Ph.D., Indiana University, 2008
- M.A., Hispanic Literature, Indiana University, 2001
- B.A., Secondary Education Literature, Artigas Teacher Training Institute, Montevideo, Uruguay, 1991
Areas of Emphasis or Expertise
- Contemporary Latin American Narrative
- Southern Cone Dictatorial and Post-Dictatorial Narrative by Women Writers
- Memory and Trauma Studies
- Contemporary Brazilian Women Writers
Selected Presentations
- XXX Congress of the Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies (AGSS), Creating an Archive: Women as Holocaust Survivors in Uruguay, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana (November 17-19, 2021)
- LASA Congress 2021, Refugees and Uruguayan Documentary Filmmaking: Other Upcoming Memories (May 26-29, 2021)
- XXXVI Internacional Congress of Literature and Hispanic Studies (CILH, Special Virtual Edition), “Quarantine Behaviors” or the Limits of Theater (June 17-19, 2020)
- III International Conference of Literature and Human Rights: Gender and Culture, co-organized by Universidad de Santiago de Chile and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in collaboration with University of Valparaíso (Chile), Università degli Studi di Milano and Brooklyn College of City University of New York, Santiago, Uruguay: Trans Identities, Representations and Liminality, Chile (November 14-16, 2019)
- Cine-Lit 9: Mujer y Género, “Migas de pan” de Manane Rodríguez (Uruguay, 2016): memoria, mujeres y barbarie, co-organized by The University of Oregon, Portland State University, and Oregon State University Portland, OR (March 9-11, 2019)
- XXVIII Annual Meeting of the Association of Gender and Sexuality Studies (AEGS), Memoria(s) y saber(es): una aproximación a tres proyectos museísticos conosureños, Panel Giving Voice to the Voiceless through Narratives of Trauma and Healing, University of Illinois at Chicago (September 27-29, 2018)
- 2nd International Symposium of the Southern Cone Section, Latin American Studies Association, Memoria de género en el Uruguay: el cuerpo como bisemia, Montevideo, Uruguay (July 19-22, 2017)
- 34th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Uruguayan Memory on Screen, New York (May 27-30, 2016)
- 113th Annual Conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, The Consumption of Chinese Identity Through Argentinian Film, Portland, OR (November 6-8, 2015)
- 11th Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Los círculos de la memoria: el caso del uruguayo Henry Engler, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City (June 9-12, 2014)
- 32nd International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Southern Cone Women and the Configuration of Regional Social Memory, Chicago, IL (May 21-24, 2014)
- American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), Assembling Memories, Deconstructing Trauma: The Uruguayan Case, University of Toronto, Canada (April 4-7, 2013)
- 110th Annual Conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), "Whose Trauma, What Memory? O Ano em Que Meus Pais Saíram de Férias” by Cao Hamburger (2006), Seattle University, Seattle (October 19-21, 2012)
- Xenographies II: The Representation of Foreigners in Literature, Travel Writing and Other Discourses, sponsored by Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada (SELGYC), the British Comparative Literature Association (BCLA), and the Centre for Transnational and Transcultural Research, "¿Hermandad genérica transnacional?: opresión, otredad y representación, University of Wolverhampton, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain (September 8-10, 2011)
- 108th Annual Conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), Marginalidad cultural y representación: Aparte (2002) de Mario Handler, Chaminade University, Honolulu, Hawaii (November 13-14, 2010)
Selected Articles
- "El cuerpo como bisemia: una mirada de género al pasado uruguayo reciente.” Poner el cuerpo:rescatar y visibilizar las marcas sexuales y de género de los archivos dictatoriales del Cono Sur. Ksenija Bilbija, Ana Forcinito, M. B. Llanos.." Santiago de Chile: Editorial Cuarto Propio 2017: 171-186.
- "Los círculos de la memoria: el caso del uruguayo Henry Engler.." Special Issue of Revista Iberoamericana entitled En la lente: memoria, referencialidad histórica y documentalismo en el cine latinoamericano actual. Vol. 81.251, 2015: 435-448.
- "Ética y lectura. La representación de la violencia en Los nudos del silencio de Renée Ferrer.." A Contracorriente Vol. 12.2, Winter 2015: 349-376.
- "La memoria del cuerpo, el cuerpo de la memoria: Un secreto para Julia de Patricia Sagastizábal.." Letras Femeninas Vol. 40.2, 2014: 79-93.
- "Víctima y representación en dos documentales uruguayos post-dictatoriales.” Efectos de imagen ¿Qué fue y qué es el cine militante? Ansa-Goicoechea, Elixabete, and Oscar Ariel Cabezas, eds. Santiago de Chile: Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación.." University Press and LOM Ediciones 2014:
- "Rosario Ferré Versus Rosario Ferré: el prefacio como centro de disputa.." Ciberletras 32 July 2014:
- Wang Center Student-Faculty Research Grant, Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education, Pacific Lutheran University, for the project “Jewish Uruguayan Memories at the Crossroads of Childhood and Old Age” conducted with student Riley Dolan in Montevideo, Uruguay (Jan. 2019)
- Division of Humanities Special Recognition, Pacific Lutheran University, “for work with and for undocumented students at PLU, advocacy for an inclusive and welcoming university, and the many ways her teaching, scholarship and community engagement honor PLU’s mission and advance the ideals of humanistic inquiry”, 2017
- Faculty Honoree at the Acknowledgement of 2017 Inspirational Women, PLU Center for Gender Equity, Pacific Lutheran University
- Karen Hille Phillips Regency Advancement Award, Pacific Lutheran University, for the project entitled “Museums of Memory and Memory on Screen”, 2016
- Wang Center Faculty Research Grant, Pacific Lutheran University, 2014
- Spirit of Diversity Award awarded by Pacific Lutheran University Diversity Center, 2014
- Inspirational Women Recognition awarded by Pacific Lutheran University Women’s Center based on student’s nomination, 2013
- Innovative Teaching Grant [shared] awarded by the Provost’s Office, Pacific Lutheran University, for the project entitled “Reflections on Social Reconciliation Processes: Hispanic Countries vis á vis Post-Apartheid South Africa,” Spring Semester, 2011
- Karen Hille Phillips Regency Advancement Award Recipient, Pacific Lutheran University 2010-2011