Bridget Yaden
Professor of Hispanic and Latino Studies

- Professional
- Biography
Additional Titles/Roles
- Associate Provost for Undergraduate Programs
- Co-Director of the Parkland Literacy Center
- Director of Language Resource Center
- Interim Chair, Department of Philosophy
- Board Chair, Confucius Institute of Washington
- Ph.D., Romance Linguistics, University of Washington, 2003
- M.A., Romance Linguistics, University of Washington, 1994
- B.A., Spanish, Western Washington University, 1991
Areas of Emphasis or Expertise
- Romance Linguistics
- Technology for Language Learning
- Linguistic Minorities
- Teacher Preparation
- Chapter in Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Education: Designing Networks That Transform Schools Chapters Leveraging Networks to Promote Organizational Learning through Professional Development (Harvard Education Press 2019) : View Book
- Chapter in L2 Grammatical Representation and Processing: Theory and Practice Chapters The Acquisition Environment for Instructed L2 Learners: Implementing Hybrid and Online Language Courses (Multilingual Matters 2019) : View Book
- Chapter in IALLT’s Language Center Handbook Chapters Supporting the LRC Mission through Collaborative Partnerships Across Campus and Beyond (IALLT 2018)
- Chapter in IALLT's From Language Lab to Language Center and Beyond: The Past, Present, and Future of Language Center Design Chapters Envisioning New Spaces: The Human Element (IALLT 2017)
- Chapter in IALLT Language Center Management Manual, 2013 edition Chapters Leadership and Management: Roles, Styles and Philosophies (IALLT 2013)
Selected Articles
- Yaden et al. "Getting to Advanced: Challenging High School Heritage Language Leaners to Step Outside Their Comfort Zone." The Language Educator 2018: 37-40.
- Yaden. "A Report and Review on Web-Based Resources Created at San Diego State University for Learning Spanish : Los Desaparecidos." Hispania Vol. 92, no. 4, 2009: pp. 747-8.
I am a proud native of Tacoma and first generation college student that began my formal second language study in high school. My grandparents were native speakers of Gaelic who immigrated to Tacoma, so my love of languages and cultures started early.
I stayed local for college, earning my BA in Spanish from WWU and my MA and PhD in Romance linguistics from the UW. I was fortunate to be able to study away in many locations over the years, including Spain, Guatemala, and Russia. In addition to Spanish, I have studied Latin, Portuguese, and Russian.
I’m passionate about second language acquisition and linguistics as well as supporting pre-service ELL, bilingual, and world language teachers. My service to PLU and to the profession is a big part of my lift outside of teaching and scholarship. Most recently, I’ve served as the 2020 president of our national world language teacher association of over 12,000 educators (ACTFL) and I serve as PLU’s Associate Provost for Undergraduate Programs.