2023 capstone class

The Department of History is proud to present the 2023 Senior Capstones.

The presentations are given on different dates during May of Spring Term in Hauge Administration Building, Room 204A.

Click on each student name to see their presentation title.

May 2, 2023
``Wish You Were Here``: Postcards, Tourism, and Visitor Colonialism in Hawai'i after Pearl Harbor
``Hey, I live here!``: Parallax of the Medicine Creek Treaty, From Leschi to Billy Frank Jr.
The Hypocritical Oath: Reckoning with Racial Inferiority in the Nazi Typhus Experiments and the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments in the United States
The Smoke of Law and Democracy: Settler Colonialism and Lawfare in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
May 9, 2023
``Whoever was here before, Indians maybe``: Settler Colonial Narratives in the Westerns of the 1930s-1960s
``Canoes Through a Lake of Human Blood``: Abolitionist Vilification and Colonization of Dahomey
``Das griechische Festland ist fest in deutscher Hand``: Occupied Greece as a Colony of the German Empire, 1941-1944
``Boop-Oop-A-Doop``: Betty Boop & Gender Colonization During the Great Depression
May 16, 2023
From Colonization to Killing Fields: Cambodians and their Rulers in the Mid-Twentieth Century
``There's a lot of things that I love about Hitler``: Kanye West and the Ongoing Spread of Antisemitism
Dictators and Bananas: The United Fruit Company's Economic and Political Colonization of Guatemala, 1901-1958