When Two PLU Historians Sit Down to Chat
One smoky August afternoon Dr Beth Kraig and I decided to beat the heat and take shelter in the cooling confines of the University of Washington, Tacoma library, to have a cheery chat about plagues. We thought this would be a fun topic to discuss,…

New History Course Examines Innovation and Ethics
By Sarah Cornell-Maier ‘19. This Fall, Pacific Lutheran University is introducing a new history class that serves as a gateway to the Innovation Studies Program . Hist/Phil 248: Innovation, Ethics, and Society is a team-taught course that combines many different fields of study into one.…

From PLU History to Grad School in the Big Apple!
Thinking about graduate study in history? Pacific Lutheran University history majors have an excellent track record when it comes to earning an M.A. or a Ph.D. (or both) in history. I recently touched base with Carli Snyder, ’17, about her first year in grad school.…

Michael Diambri Receives Gilder Lehrman History Award
By Michael Halvorson, Professor of History. Welcome to our blog—the place for learning everything about History at Pacific Lutheran University! Today’s post is about PLU History major Michael Diambri ‘18 , a Lute who graduated in May with a B.A. in History along with minors…