Gina Hames

Associate Professor of History

Gina Hames

Office Location:Xavier Hall - Room 113

Status:On Sabbatical

  • Professional
  • Biography

Additional Titles/Roles

  • Member of the Design Team, Cornerstones General Education Model Pilot Program


  • Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 1996
  • M.A., Carnegie Mellon University, 1992
  • M.A., Eastern Washington University, 1989
  • B.A., Eastern Washington University, 1986

Areas of Emphasis or Expertise

  • Alcohol studies in a Global Context
  • Pedagogy, especially First-year programs
  • Latin America, specifically Mexico, Cuba, and the Andean region
  • Bolivia and Peru (study abroad)
  • Global Human Rights
  • Global Women’s & Gender History


  • In progress, You Are What You Drink: A Global History of How Alcohol Has Shaped Identity (Reaktion Press, London 2018)
  • Alcohol in World History (Routledge 2012) : View Book


Gina Hames’ research interests focus on the historic role of how alcohol shapes identity from a comparative perspective across the globe, including Africa, Asia, including China, Japan, and India, Latin America, Western and Eastern Europe, Australia, the Middle East, and the United States. In addition to her book, Alcohol In World History, Routledge, 2012, she has recently published “The Commerce of Alcohol, 1850-1950” in the collection Alcohol in the Age of Industry, Empire, and War, Bloomsbury Press, 2016, and “Rum” in Encyclopedia of the Atlantic World, 1400-1900: Europe, Africa, and the Americas in An Age of Exploration, Trade, and Empires. ABC-CLIO, 2017.

In 2016, with the support of a travel grant from the First Year Experience Program and a Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education grant she presented research on the pedagogy of teaching World History, at the World History Association Conference in Ghent, and also while in Europe completed research for her current book project through researching breweries in Belgium and champagne houses in France.

She teaches a core course for the Global Studies Program, “Modern World History”. She also teaches in the First Year Experience Program, including Writing 101, focusing on Global Human Rights, and two History 190 courses, World History, and Modern Latin American History. She participates in the Residence Hall Learning Communities program, linking Writing 101 to Hong International Hall, and she piloted a program linking Writing 101 courses to 190 courses. She has taught study abroad courses for many years in Bolivia and Peru, and Cuba. She also teaches courses on the History of Mexico, and Slavery, Pirates, and Dictators in the Caribbean.

She has participated in Student/Faculty research, earning an S. Erving Severtson Research Fellowship – Forest Foundation Undergraduate Research Program for 2016-2017 with history major Michael Diambri, to research the role of alcohol in the lives of the Beat Generation, particularly Allen Ginsberg.