The Walter C. Schnackenberg Memorial Lecture - April 17, 2024
Makah Voices and the Sea
Twenty-five years ago, the Makah Nation successfully hunted a gray whale. This action drew the ire of animal rights activists who often rooted their criticism in racism and stereotypes of Indigenous authenticity. Drawing from the tribal nation’s historical and contemporary relationship with the sea, this talk will focus on Makah statements and actions from the eighteenth century onward that illustrate how they have made and continue to maintain the surrounding marine waters as their own.
Joshua L. Reid
Speaker: Joshua L ReidĀ was born and raised in Washington and is a registered member of the Snohomish Indian Nation. Reid is currently an associate professor of American Indian Studies and the John Calhoun Smith Memorial Endowed Associate Professor of History at the University of Washington.
Reid’s presentation is titled “Makah Voices and the Sea” and will be related to his award-winning book, “The Sea is my Country”.
We are looking forward to your attendance this year
This lecture is being held amidst many notable anniversaries. 2024 is the:
- 170th anniversary of Medicine Creek Treaty
- 100th anniversary of the Native American Voting Rights Act
- 20th anniversary of the exoneration of Chief Leschi
- 50th anniversary of Boldt Decision
- 100th anniversary of Nisqually Historian and PLU alumna Cecelia Svinth Carpenter
Dr. Walter C. Schnackenberg graduated from Pacific Lutheran College in 1937. One of his most frequently expressed wishes was that Pacific Lutheran University might establish a lectureship which would bring to the campus distinguished members of the world academic community to discuss significant topics of historical interest.