PLU 50th Reunion for the Class of 1974

This year marks 50 years since we graduated from PLU! Our 50th reunion will be on campus Friday, October 4, 2024. We have a walking tour and informal gathering at Farrelli’s before the reunion. On Saturday gather to watch the football game, see the musical and/or attend PLU on Tap. On Sunday we hope you can join us for the Golden Club Brunch which follows Sunday Worship at Trinity Lutheran. We have a great line-up of events that will give you many opportunities to reconnect, reminisce, and create new memories. We hope you can join us.


Jan Aldrich
Steve Appelo
Sue (Rooks) Ashenbrenner
Lynn Bartlett
Kathryn (Fredstrom) Beck
Brian Berg
Barbara (Morris) Bergman
Ted Carlson
Lola (Gammell) Christensen
Paul Christensen
Karin (Vollers) Clute
Linda (Gardner) Crandall
Barbara (Senftleben) Dauerty


Thomas Dodd
Mary Lou (Geisler) Eastman
Marni (Bailey) Engh
Becky Franko
Edwin Gilven
Kim Green
Tom Heavey
David Johnson
Karen Jorgensen Royce
Joel Klett
Joy (Tuff) Liezen
Jay McClaugherty far!

Kristin (Gulsrud) Moultine
Arden Olson
Christell (Knoph) Parker
Julie Ronken
James Sletten
Tammy Skubinna
Serni Solidarios
Randy Spitzer
Barbara (Mellish) Stratton
Brian Thomas
Susan (Peterson) Troselius
Diane (Gormley) Tutt

Homecoming highlights for the Class of 1974

Friday, October 4
1:30 – 2:30 pm – Walking campus tour
3:00 – 5:00 pm – Informal gathering at Farrelli’s on Garfield Street
5:30 – 8:30 pm – 50th Reunion, the key event for everyone to reconnect and reminisce. There will be a slideshow and a table of memorabilia. Please bring any items from your time at PLU to display and if you have college photos you would like to submit for the slideshow, please send them to Business casual (suits not required).

Saturday, October 5
1:00 – 4:00 pm Football Game PLU vs Whitworth at Spark’s Stadium. Sit with your classmates and cheer on the Lutes!
5:30 – 6:45 pm  American Standards – Musical Revue. An evening of popular songs and jazz standards from the 1920s to the 1960s that were created for Broadway and Hollywood, performed by PLU’s brightest talents!
7:00 – 9:00 pm – PLU on Tap, featuring Lute produced wine, beer and cider and light appetizers.

Sunday, October 6
10 – 11:15 am – Sunday Worship at Trinity Lutheran Church
11:30 – 1:00 pm – The Golden Club Brunch for alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago. A great opportunity to connect with classmates before saying goodbye. President Allan Belton will give some campus updates. Free but please register.

Memory Book

 Please fill out the Memory Book form to share a bit about yourself with your classmates!

Class Gift

Your 50th reunion gift will honor our class and make a difference in the lives of current and future PLU students!

Committee Members

Jan Aldrich, Brian Berg, Ted Carlson, Linda (Gardner) Crandall,
Tom Heavey, David Johnson, Joy (Tuff) Liezen, Jay McClaugherty,
Tammy Skubinna, Serni Solidarios, Randy Spitzer