Room for Everything

If you can imagine it, PLU likely has it. We offer an array of large format venue options as well as smaller rooms for more intimate meetings. Venues can also be grouped together as needed (based upon availability). Our rooms fall into four basic categories:

  • Large format (event halls, auditoriums, concert & theater, gyms)
  • Classrooms and lecture halls
  • Meeting and break-out rooms
  • Athletic Facilities

Since the possibilities for seating configurations are limited only by the stretch of your imagination, our sample room and seating layouts feature some of the more traditional options. If you don’t see what you need, feel free to be creative.

CK Hall Set for 2015 visit from His Majesty King Harald V

All Venues

*Conference & Seminar Venues
These meeting spaces can be set in theater, banquet, or classroom style. Be creative with these spaces. Our warehouse furnishings are complementary: brushed aluminum tables, pipe/drape, easels, podiums, etc. Media and audio equipment, sized right for the space, are built-in. We offer floral, specialty linens to make your event beautiful.
**Executive Meeting Rooms
Located in the Anderson University Center