Employee Recognition
Distinguished Staff Awards
The Distinguished Staff Awards Program is designed to recognize outstanding contributions made by employees through their accomplishments, leadership, and service to the university and its community members. The awards are presented to up to four university staff employees each year. Award recipients receive an honorarium and special recognition at the university’s annual Christmas celebration.
Service Awards
In appreciation for their long-term service, faculty and staff of the university who are regularly employed in a with benefits status (.5 FTE or more) will receive special recognition during major anniversary years: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and more.
Anniversary awards are typically presented at the university’s annual Christmas celebration. At that time, recognition and gifts are given to acknowledge and celebrate those with major anniversaries falling in the current fiscal year (i.e. June 1 through May 31 of that particular year).
Faculty Excellence Awards
The university sponsors Faculty Excellence Awards to recognize outstanding accomplishments of the faculty in five areas of faculty work: teaching, advising, mentoring, research, and service. The recipients have been nominated and selected by their peers, signifying their high regard among those who know them well.
Rose Window
The Rose Window Society is comprised of those faculty and staff still actively working who have achieved their 20-year anniversaries, and all early, phased, and regular retirees who have served PLU for 20 years or more.