- Impact maintains and distributes to 30 boards across PLU’s campus.
- For Fall Semester 2024, Impact distributes on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
- According to our policy, posters can be up for two weeks on our boards. Unless your poster contains vital information to the PLU Community. Examples of vital information is mental health services, Covid-19 response, and Title IX.
- If you would like for Impact to distribute posters that you have already designed and printed, you are welcome to drop them off at our mailbox in a closed envelope along with a Contact Information Form outside our office, AUC 142. The Contact Information Form is located in an envelope outside our office. We will not distribute your posters unless this form is there. Impact will then stamp your posters and distribute them to all our boards.
- Impact Boards are for PLU-affiliated advertising only. Impact will not design or distribute personal ads, or ads for outside organizations. Nor do we allow for any posters to be hung up on our boards without our approval. These posters will be taken down immediately.
- Posters must include certain necessary information to be stamped and approved for distribution. You can find these requirements on our policies page, under “Advertising Policies.”
- If your poster is missing any required information, Impact will contact you if a poster must be modified. We also reserve the right to deny distribution for posters that do not meet these policies.
- You can also find the Contact Information Form using this link and print it out yourself.
- Please do not leave posters without a Contact Information Form in the Impact mailbox.
NOTE: We strongly recommend submitting your poster 2-3 weeks before the day you want your poster distributed. This ensures that your poster has enough time to be stamped and approved, or modified if necessary, before the desired distribution date.

Over the semester Impact receives hundreds of requests to design, print, and distribute posters. As such, there are a few things you, the client, should keep in mind:
- There is no standard board size for all 30 locations. Some will fill up sooner than others, which makes it hard to guarantee that every board will get every poster.
- First come, first served. Priority is given to clients who design and/or print through Impact services. Drop-offs are set aside to go up after priority posters.
- Impact will not accept last-minute distribution requests.
- Unless otherwise specified, posters go up for 2 weeks or until the day after the event has occurred.
- Impact’s employees are students – clients should recognize that the distributor will do their best to get posters up; however, due to physical or other limitations may not be able to do so. Just because the top section of a board is clear does not mean the distributor can reach it or has access to something that can help them reach it.
- Only Impact employees may distribute/remove posters from Impact boards. No exceptions.
- Unless your poster has been approved and distributed by Impact, your poster may not be on our boards and will be taken down as soon as possible. No exceptions.
What's on the Boards This Week

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