What kind of services does Impact offer?
Impact offers a wide variety of services, including:
- Poster design
- Logo design
- Printing
- Weekly Flyer ads
- Branding
- Social Media
- Digital display ads (shown every day on our Impact TVs on both levels of the UC)
- Table top ads
- Photography services
- Videography services
What happened with the Daily Flyer/Weekly Flyer? What's changed?
As a student-run business, Impact is always looking for ways to expand and grow, while also being aware of sustainability. The Daily Flyer, while a novelty around campus, uses about 36,450 pages of paper per school year. With the Weekly Flyer, we were able to reduce printing to about half that amount, maybe even less.
However, for the school year of 2022, Impact is planning to bring back these flyers in a digital format. More to come on that soon!
I'd like to meet with someone at Impact. When should I come by?
This year, Impact’s directors are Fulton Bryant-Anderson, Mackenzie Mayhem, and Vilde Aker.
For office hours, every one of our employees is obligated to have them. Please feel free to stop by during our office hours which you can find to the left of this column.
We are also available by appointment, so shoot us an email at impact@plu.edu.
I'm interested in working for Impact! When should I apply?
For the 2022-23 school year, we are currently done with our hirings for this year. With that said, more positions might become available. So keep an eye on the PLU Opportunities Board for positions opening up for the 2023-24 school year. If you are interested, send us an email at impact@plu.edu!
Here are all positions at Impact:
- Art Director
- Digital Media Director
- Business Director
- Graphic Designer
- Videographer
- Photographer
- Distributor
I'd like to see examples of Impact's past work.
We have a database of our past work posted here.
Posters & Distribution
I selected a certain day for distribution. Why isn't my poster up yet?
Currently, Impact’s poster distributors work Monday-Thursdays. For Fall 2024, posters are distributed on Mondays at 1:35pm (upper campus only), Tuesdays from 6-10pm (lower campus only), Wednesdays from 6-10pm (upper campus only), and Thursdays from 12pm-1pm (lower campus only).
In order to ensure you get your poster distributed as soon as possible, we recommend ensuring you submit your request 1-2 weeks ahead of time and specify when you want your poster up on the boards.
Can Impact print a poster I've already designed?
Yes! Impact will print out a poster design and distribute it on all Impact boards. Your poster will get priority distribution and spacing on our boards. You can fill out a Quick Copy Request and attach your design to the form. We ask that you submit this request at least ten business days before your desired distribution date, as we cannot guarantee that late requests will be printed in time for distribution. Late requests will result in a rush fee of $3.50 for 8.5×11 posters and $10 for 11×17 posters.
Will Impact distribute posters I've already printed?
Yes, we will even do it for free. All we request from you is that you drop off your posters in our mailbox outside our office, AUC 142, with your contact information inside the envelope. The forms for contact information and any other information we need are placed on our window for you to fill out. Please note that we will not distribute your poster unless there is a contact form filled out.
In addition, please recognize that Impact produced work (Quick Copy Requests and Creative Requests) are given guaranteed priority spacing and distribution. Put simply, if our boards are filled up with posters we have printed and designed we will not prioritize yours.
In addition, we ask you kindly to trim off any white frames off your posters as Impact’s boards are not only a service we have but also a part of our brand.
What are the current distribution days/times this semester?
For Fall semester 2024, we distribute on Mondays at 1:35pm (upper campus only), Tuesdays from 6-10pm (lower campus only), Wednesdays from 6-10pm (upper campus only), and Thursdays from 12-1pm (lower campus only).
Oh no! The Impact Boards are full! What other ways can I advertise?
We offer a variety of other Impact services. Our digital display ads are run daily on the Impact TVs, which are located in the upper and lower UC. We accept both static images and videos. Click here to request a digital display ad.
You can also place your advertisement in the Weekly Flyer for a low cost. These are distributed widely across campus.
Alternatively, you may post pre-printed posters on the bulletin boards under the Impact TVs in the UC, or on the bulletin boards on the UC staircase.
Social Media