Impact distributes posters to 29 boards on campus. For a map of board locations, please see our Distribution page.
Impact Boards
- Posters are distributed on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during the Spring Semester(23).
- The standard time for a poster to be up is two weeks unless the information is to be considered vital to the PLU Community. Examples of this exception is things such as Mental Health Services, Covid-19 responses, and Title IX.
- The distribution queue is ordered based on a first-come-first-served basis, with priority for posters designed or printed by Impact.
- Ideally, the posters begin the approval process one week before the ideal distribution date, although we do strongly recommend to bring your posters to us two weeks before ideal distribution.
- Due to the small size of some of our boards, at busy times in the year, it may not be possible to feature all posters on all boards.
- On particularly busy weeks, such as the first two weeks of a semester, Impact boards will fill up quickly and will most likely be continuously full for the first month or so. Thus, we recommend that you either guarantee your space on our boards by submitting a Quick Copy Request.
All Advertising Must Include:
- Event name, time/date, location, PLU department/club/organization, and contact information should be clearly stated on event advertisements or should be providing information/awareness from a PLU group who is bringing important information to the PLU community about PLU resources/info (i.e. Mental Health Services, Covid-19 responses and Title IX).
Advertising May Not:
- No commercial advertising is allowed – Impact Boards are not for providing an audience for groups unaffiliated with PLU
- No campus organizations may advertise credit card providers or businesses engaged in alcohol and/or gambling, including, but not limited to, casinos and online gambling activities.
- Individual students may not advertise the sales of personal goods or services
- Publicity must not interfere with satisfactory maintenance of university property
Impact Boards
- Posters designed or printed by Impact have board-space priority over outside, free distribution posters.
- Posters must be approved and stamped by Impact before they may be distributed to Impact Boards.
- Due to the small size of some of the boards, at busy times in the year, it may not be possible to feature all posters on all boards.
Student Engagement and Residence Hall Advertising
- All signs to be posted on the University Center (UC) butcher paper boards (Lower UC by Impact TV, UC staircase, and OMM TV) must be approved at the front desk in AUC 140. Impact does not manage these boards.
- Butcher paper advertising in Residence Halls must be approved through the RHC.
- Non-poster advertisements (i.e. container for food/clothing drives) will need to be approved from the main Residential Life Office in the University Center
- For further information on Residence Hall advertising, please visit their Publicity and Solicitation protocol on their policies page (https://www.plu.edu/residential-life/life-on-campus/policies/)
Public Boards
- There are two public boards by the library (facing Mortvedt, the right-hand side pillar) where anyone from the local community may post advertisements.
- These do not have to be approved for stamping but may be rejected at the desk if they contain alcohol, gambling, or offensive content
- Any poster brought by the PLU community, but clearly not sponsored by it, will be considered for the public general board
Residence Halls
- Any publicity that is not properly approved or posted in locations other than Impact bulletin boards will be removed
- For non-poster advertisements (i.e: a large container for a food or clothing drive), individuals will need to get approval from the main Residential Life Office in the University Center.
Alternative Advertising (Flyers, Brochures, etc)
- Must have time, location, PLU sponsor and contact information clearly stated.
- Must follow university policy for general advertising.
- Should be stamped and limited to 25 advertisements.
- Any non-student wishing to post housing advertisements must speak with Residential Life – off-campus housing cannot be posted on campus.
Commercial Advertisers
- Commercial advertisers should be directed to The Mast, as that is the only on-campus commercial advertising that is allowed.
At Impact, we are more than happy to receive requests for posters, T-shirts, branding, and logo designs. However, in order to create the best product for you, here’s what you should know:
For any design requests:
- The Creative Request Form should be submitted to Impact at least 2 weeks in advance.
- Should you require changes to your poster after you have approved the final and it has already been printed, you may be charged for the extra prints.
For Quick Copy (Printing) Requests:
- Should you require changes to your poster after you have approved the final and it has already been printed, you may be charged for the extra prints.
Social Media