Alice Steinglass Visits October 9 for Workshop and Lecture
Computer science drives innovation throughout the US economy, but the subject remains neglected or marginalized in K-12 education. Can more be done to improve student access to this important way of thinking? Please join Alice Steinglass of Code.org on October 9, 2018 at Pacific Lutheran…

Getting Creative: PLU’s Gateway Class in Innovation Studies
By Sarah Cornell-Maier ‘19. This Fall, Pacific Lutheran University is introducing a new class that serves as a gateway to the Innovation Studies Program . Hist/Phil 248: Innovation, Ethics, and Society is a team-taught course that combines many different fields of study into one. It…

How Innovative was the Apple II?
By Damian Alessandro ’19. In most popular histories of computing, the Apple II personal computer (1977) stands out as a pathbreaker among early devices in the PC Revolution. But how innovative was Apple’s first mass-market computer, and what design features and ideas helped it stand…

Innovation and Resilience
By Damian Alessandro, ’19 At Pacific Lutheran University, we’re pretty excited about innovation. Over the past few months, my colleague Sarah Cornell-Maier and I have been writing about several types of innovation that we see in the workplace and in our curriculum. This week, I…

Careers in Innovation
Interested in a future job at a major tech company? Come and meet a Pacific Lutheran University graduate who successfully followed that career path. Cameron Emerson ’08 graduated from PLU with a degree in Economics. These days the Oregon native works out of Chicago as…

Social Innovation at PLU
By Sarah Cornell-Maier When I think of social innovation, the first thing that I think of is creatively combining new social practices with existing infrastructure. Some useful examples include fair trade organizations , which provide equity in trading relationships through an integrated supply chain, and…

The 2018 Rachel Carson Science and Technology Lecture
TUESDAY | MARCH 6, 2018 | 7:30PM | ANDERSON UNIVERSITY CENTER – CK @ PLU The Innovation Studies program at PLU would like to draw attention to an important event on campus with much value for our students and faculty: The 2018 Rachel Carson Science,…

The Edison Awards: Innovations That Shape the World
By Damian Alessandro ’19 It’s awards season! Not the Academy Awards –although we do host awards parties at Pacific Lutheran University. I’m writing about the annual awards for innovation that have everyone whispering excitedly in the discipline of Innovation Studies. That’s right–its the Edison Awards…

Alexa and Innovation Research at Amazon
On Monday, February 19, 2018 (President’s Day), students at Pacific Lutheran University are invited for a special tour of Amazon’s Seattle headquarters (HQ). The event is being sponsored by Amazon and PLU’s office of Career Connections and Alumni and Constituent Relations . Interested PLU students…

Notes on Design-Centered Innovation at Pacific Lutheran University
By Michael Halvorson. Halvorson is director of Innovation Studies at Pacific Lutheran University. Design has become an integral component of the innovation process. Leading businesses such as Amazon, Apple, Nike, Disney, Dyson, and Airbnb are all recognized for their award-winning designs that strive to…