Health Insurance & Medical Information
Health Insurance
International Students will be enrolled in PLU’s International Student Health Insurance unless they submit proof of equivalent medical insurance that provides coverage in the United States.
With PLU International Student Health Insurance, the PLU Health Services Clinic will be your primary care office where you can go for any health concerns. Health Services is located on campus and houses a very friendly, knowledgeable staff.
How to Waive Student Insurance
All international students will be required to purchase PLU’s international health insurance coverage. Students who have insurance provided by their government or who have a spouse or parent employed in the U.S. may be eligible to waive this insurance. Students must provide proof that their insurance coverage is at least equal to what is required by Pacific Lutheran University. The waiver form can be found on the Risk Services website and must be submitted by the first day of the semester.
Medical History/Immunization Requirement
Please be sure to submit Medical History Form to the PLU Health Services prior to your arrival.
Depending on your immunization record, new students may be asked to receive immunizations shots during orientation at the Health Services Clinic. Each MMR shot costs $15 and PPD shot costs $20.
If you are a citizen or resident of one of the following countries, PPD may be waived: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and Wales.
If your PPD record is positive, you will need to go get a chest X-ray at an off-campus clinic. Your insurance should cover this cost.
Please do NOT take any immunization shots before arrival. PLU cannot accept results of PPD or X-ray taken outside of the U.S.
Although Health Services staff can help any student with health concerns or questions, it is recommended that you take care of any dental and eye visits in your home country prior to arrival to PLU.
Get to Know PLU Health Services
The goal of the PLU Health Services is to provide quality medical care in a supportive and confidential environment, and to educate and empower students to make healthy life choices. All PLU International Students can receive many services at the Health Services Clinic for free. Visit the website here.
Learn More about PLU Int’l Student Health Insurance Plan
The Risk Services Office has a dedicated page for International Student Health Insurance information. Get more information here!

EIIA is the company that operates PLU Int’l Student Insurance Plan. Visit their website here!
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