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Licensed Zoom Accounts Now Available to All Faculty

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August 25, 2020

To PLU Faculty,

First, thank you for your patience as the Information & Technology Services team has been working to complete our Zoom license expansion. We’re happy to announce that Zoom licenses are now available to all faculty. Your path to gaining access to licensed features will depend on how your account was created originally. Please use the following scenarios as a guide to access your licensed PLU Zoom account.

If you did not have a Zoom account associated with your PLU email address, a fully licensed account has been created for you. Login to Zoom ( to access your new account.

If you already have a Zoom account setup by I&TS, your account is still valid and has been assigned a license. Login to Zoom ( to access your new account.

If you already have a Zoom account that was not established by I&TS, you will be prompted to “Consolidate into Account” the next time you sign into Zoom. Approximately 1 hour after the consolidation process is complete a license will automatically be assigned to your account. After consolidation, you can Login to PLU’s Zoom with your ePass at to continue accessing your account.

***A note about existing Zoom accounts created using email aliases as the login name rather than PLU ePass usernames. In those cases I&TS will need to work with the account holders to complete the final steps to enable full access and licensing. I&TS staff will be reaching out to the affected users over the next few days to assist with this process. If you know your existing Zoom account is one of those affected you are also welcome to contact the I&TS Helpdesk (253-535-7525,, to request assistance with this process.

I&TS is also working actively to enable direct integration with Zoom from Sakai, making it easy to manage your course related Zoom meetings. More information on this will be available shortly.