Dr. Charlie Katica
Associate Professor of Kinesiology

- Professional
Additional Titles/Roles
- Title IX Formal Process Team
- Faculty Athletics Representative and Gateway Program Director for the University of Southeastern Norway
- President of Rainier Adaptive Sports
- Ph.D., Kinesiology and Exercise Science, The University of Alabama, 2014
- M.S., Exercise Science, Central Washington University, 2009
- B.S., Kinesiology and Exercise Science, Central Washington University, 2002
Selected Presentations
- Katica, CP, Adams, NT, O’Malley, BL, Crompton, SR, Tire Pressures Impact on Physiological and Performance Variables in Wheelchair Basketball Players. Med Sci Sport Exerc, Poster presentation at the Virtual National ACSM Conference (June, 2021 Volume 53:5)
- Adams, NT, O’Malley, BL, Crompton, SR, Katica, CP, Comparing Heart Rate and Tire Pressure as Predictors of Performance in Wheelchair Basketball Sprint Tests. Thematic Poster Presentation, ACSM NW Conference in Boise, ID (March, 2020)
- Katica, CP & Ayers, P, Considerations, Challenges, Strategies and Impacts of Adapted Sports and Physical Activity for Wounded Military Veterans, Oral Presentation at the Adaptive Sport USA National Conference, Phoenix, AZ (November, 2019)
- Katica, CP & Hultman, R, Practical/Hands-on Strength Training Considerations for Adapted Athletes, Oral Presentation at the SHAPE Washington Conference, Seattle, WA (October, 2019)
- Katica, CP, Pritchett, KL, Pritchett, RC, Thermoregulatory, Nutritional and Training Considerations for Spinal Cord Injured Athletes, Oral Presentation/Symposium at Northwest ACSM Conference in Bend, OR (March, 2019)
Selected Articles
- Wingo, JE, Ng, J, Katica, CP, Carter, SJ. "Fan cooling after cardiovascular drift does not reverse decrements in maximal oxygen uptake during heat stress." Temperature 2019: 6:3, 260-270.
- Wingo, JE, Katica, CP. Nepocatych, S, Del Pozzi, AT, Ryan, GA. "Thermoregulatory Adaptations following Sprint Interval Training." Journal of Human Performance in Extreme Environments 2018: 14(1), Article 8.
- Katica CP, Wingo, JE, Herron, RL, Ryan, GA, Bishop, SH, and Richardson, M. "Impact of precooling the upper body during warm-up on subsequent time trial paced cycling in the heat." Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2017: 21(6): 621–62.
- Dassoff, AS, Forward, NR, Katica, CP. "Differences Between the Grab Start and Track Start in Collegiate Swimmers." Int J Exerc Sci 2017: 10(4): 515-521.
Social Media