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Mortvedt Library materials for HEALING: PATHWAYS FOR RESTORATION AND RENEWAL symposium

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February 16, 2022

Below are links to Mortvedt Library or open web materials by panelists and PLU faculty participating in the Wang Center 2022 symposium, HEALING: PATHWAYS FOR RESTORATION AND RENEWAL.


Healing, a Concept Analysis
Firth, K., Smith, K., Sakallaris, B. R., Bellanti, D. M., Crawford, C., & Avant, K. C. (2015). Healing, a Concept Analysis. Global advances in health and medicine, 4(6), 44–50.


Eamonn Baker
Video interview with Eamon Baker who gives an account of his experience on Bloody Sunday (January 30, 1972); the impact this had on his time at Queen’s University, Belfast; and his experience working with young people on the issue of community relations.

Elena Calderón
UndocuJoy blog by Elena Calderón, “a former undocumented girl experiencing joy.”

Maureen Hetherington
Video of speech by Maureen Hetherington where she explores what remembering means ethically in terms of individual and community stories and walking through history together at the grassroots.

Peg Carlson-Hoffman + Chuck Hoffman
genesis + art website of artists, peacemakers, and community builders Peg Carlson-Hoffman and Chuck Hoffman, former executive directors of Holden Village.

Robert McKee Irwin
Books, book chapters, and articles by Robert McKee Irwin accessible from the Mortvedt Library website or book shelves.

Valerie Segrest
Articles and book chapters that mention Valerie Segrest and a book by Valerie Segrest accessible from the Mortvedt Library website or book shelves.

Gilda Sheppard
Article by Gilda Sheppard and an edited book by Gilda Sheppard, accessible from the Mortvedt Library website or book shelves.

Liza Suarez
Articles by Liza Suarez accessible from the Mortvedt Library website.

Sharon Suh
Articles by Sharon Suh accessible from the Mortvedt Library website.

Rachel Wax
An article that mentions the Urban Youth Trauma Center is accessible from the Mortvedt Library website.

PLU Faculty:

Suzanne Crawford O’Brien
Books and articles by Suzanne Crawford O’Brien, accessible from the Mortvedt Library website or book shelves.

Denise Glover
Articles by Denise Glover, accessible from the Mortvedt Library website.

Brenda Ihssen
Book chapters and articles by Brenda Ihssen, accessible from the Mortvedt Library website.

Mark Mulder
Articles by Mark Mulder, accessible from the Mortvedt Library website.

Sarah Robinson
Book by Sarah Robinson, accessible from the Mortvedt Library book shelves.

Giovanna Urdangarain
Articles by Giovanna Urdangarain, accessible from the Mortvedt Library website.

Print books in the collection on similar topics:

BF637.F67F65 2009 Forgiveness and reconciliation : psychological pathways to conflict transformation and peace building
BF637.F67F67 2000 Forgiveness : theory, research, and practice
BJ1476.F67 2001 Forgiveness and reconciliation : religion, public policy & conflict transformation
BJ1476.H65 2012 Forgiveness and retribution : responding to wrongdoing
BL624.H3795 2010 The healing power of spirituality : how faith helps humans thrive
BL65.E36.V35 2021 Valuing Lives, Healing Earth: Religion, Gender, and Life on Earth
BR1450.T88 1999 No future without forgiveness
BV4647.F55R68 2005 Fire of grace : the healing power of forgiveness
E98.M4R45 2008 Religion and healing in Native America : pathways for renewal
E99.S21C73 2013 Coming full circle : spirituality and wellness among native communities in the Pacific Northwest
F203.4.V54S37x 1992 To heal a nation : the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
R723.5.V43 2009 Patient, heal thyself : how the new medicine puts the patient in charge
RC489.F67E57 2000 Helping clients forgive : an empirical guide for resolving anger and restoring hope
RC569.5.A28E529 2000 Families in recovery : working together to heal the damage of childhood sexual abuse
RJ506.P66W64 2010 Working with children to heal interpersonal trauma : the power of play