On Exhibit: Aquatic lifeforms
sculptures by 3-D design students

This exhibit of student work is based on an art class assignment in which students created aquatic lifeforms, both real and fictional, using paper mache. There were 17 total art pieces ranging from dolphins to mermaids to seahorses
Class: 3-D Design, Spring ‘24
Professor: Steven Sobeck
Photos done by : Janelle Brockman
Artist: Gabriel Ortiz
Navy Manta Ray
Artist: Alyse Glaser
Artist: Autumn Vos
Artist: Esther Kim
Black Fish
Artist: Madeline Rue
Blue Angler Fish
Artist: Trinity-Grace Ramirez
Artist: Kasey Kindzerski
Artist: Stuart Gavidia
Sea Spider
Artist: Talitha Arnott
Sea Cucumber
Artist: Ivan Wilson
Manta Ray
Artist: Talia Leuzzi
Green Angler Fish
Artist: Marley Bjornstad
Brown Fish
Artist: Oliver Mayberry
Red Fish
Artist: Cedar Graham
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