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On Exhibit: Resources for ‘The Matter of Loneliness’ Wang Center Symposium

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February 27, 2024

In collaboration with the Wang Center for Global and Community Engaged Education, the Mortvedt Library has organized an exhibit in honor of the 11th Biennial Wang Center symposium: “The Matter of Loneliness: Building Connections for Collective Well-Being.” This two-day conference will bring together academics, activists and practitioners whose life’s work engages the concept of social connection in ways that increase understanding, model behaviors and actions that facilitate human reconnection and reweave community for collective well-being.

Academic research


  • Cacioppo, John T., & Patrick, William. (2008). Loneliness: Human nature and the need for social connection (1st. ed). Norton. (PLU Library link)
  • Hargittai, Eszter. (2022). Connected in isolation: Digital privilege in unsettled times. The MIT Press. (PLU Library link)
  • Seefeldt, Kristin S. (2017). Abandoned families: Social isolation in the twenty-first century. Russell Sage Foundation. (PLU Library link)
  • Stauffer, Jill. (2015). Ethical loneliness: The injustice of not being heard. Columbia University Press. (PLU Library link)

Political/partisan divide

  • Abramowitz, Alan. (2018). The great alignment: Race, party transformation, and the rise of Donald Trump. Yale University Press. (PLU Library link)
  • Whippman, Ruth. (2016). America the anxious: How our pursuit of happiness is creating a nation of nervous wrecks (First U.S. edition). St. Martin’s Press. (PLU Library link)

Disability justice

  • Ortiz, Naomi. (2023). Rituals for climate change: A crip struggle for ecojustice (1st ed.). Punctum Books. (PLU Library link) (Open access link)
  • Piepzna-Samarasinha, Leah Lakshmi. (2018). Care work: Dreaming disability justice. Arsenal Pulp Press. (PLU Library link)
  • Schalk, Sami. (2022). Black disability politics. Duke University Press. (PLU Library Link) (Open access link)
  • Sins Invalid. (2019). Skin, tooth, and bone: The basis of movement is our people : a disability justice primer (Second edition.). Berkeley. (Sins Invalid’s website)
  • Wilson, Jan Doolittle. (2021). Becoming disabled: Forging a disability view of the world. Lexington Books. (PLU Library link)

Attention economy and slowness

  • Mattei, Clara E. (2022). The capital order : how economists invented austerity and paved the way to fascism. The University of Chicago Press. (PLU Library link)
  • O’Connor, Brian. (2018). Idleness: A philosophical essay. Princeton University Press. (PLU Library link)

Environmental justice

  • Deerinwater, Jen. (2022). Colonial forces of environmental violence on deaf, disabled, & ill indigenous people. Disability Studies Quarterly, 41(4).
  • Gilio-Whitaker, Dina. (2019). As long as grass grows: The indigenous fight for environmental justice, from colonization to Standing Rock. Beacon Press. (PLU Library link)
  • Glave, Dianne D. (2010). Rooted in the earth: Reclaiming the African American environmental heritage (1st ed). Lawrence Hill Books. (PLU Library link)
  • Jenkins, Willis, Tucker, Mary Evelyn, & Grim, John (Eds.). (2018). Routledge handbook of religion and ecology. Routledge, Taylor & Francis group. (PLU Library link)
  • Ray, Sarah J., Sibara, Jay, & Alaimo, Stacy. (Eds.). (2017). Disability studies and the environmental humanities: Toward an eco-crip theory. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Watts Belser, Julia. (2020). Disability, climate change, and environmental violence: The politics of invisibility and the horizon of hope. Disability Studies Quarterly, 40(4).

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