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On Exhibit: Stalking Awareness Month 2022

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December 21, 2021

January is Stalking Awareness Month. The PLU Center for Gender Equity is choosing to uplift stalking awareness in this library exhibit because it often falls to the wayside in discussions of domestic violence, healthy relationships, and romantic gestures. Across media and society throughout the decades, stalking behaviors have frequently been mischaracterized as romantic, not a big deal, sweet, funny, and harmless. In reality, stalking can be scary, dangerous, isolating, and traumatic. A stalker is most often a current or former intimate partner, an acquaintance, or a family member.

“Stalking is a pattern of behavior directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress. Stalkers use a variety of tactics, including (but not limited to): unwanted contact including phone calls, texts, and contact via social media, unwanted gifts, showing up/approaching an individual or their family/friends, monitoring, surveillance, property damage, and threats.” (SPARC, 2021). Because many stalking behaviors can be benign or even nice gestures OUTSIDE of a stalking relationship, and not a crime on their own, it’s common for people to not recognize these behaviors as stalking (e.g., an ex sending flowers or showing up where you are unannounced). Stalking did not even become illegal until the 1990s!

We welcome you to join us this month in taking some extra time to learn about stalking red flags, survivor experiences, how to help, and how to heal; check out the displayed books, articles, podcasts, and resources here, and follow @plu_pace on Instagram to learn about what events we are hosting this month.
— Magdalena Stickel

Books (on display)
HM281.D36 1997 The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals that Protect Us from Violence 
JUV PZ7.S899Wj 2009 Wish You Were Dead (fiction)
HV6594.2.K36 2001 Every Breath You Take : Stalking Narratives and the Law
Course Reserves – 1st Floor RC552.P67 P.C. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
BF632.5.F66 2015 Invisible Chains : Overcoming Coercive Control in your Intimate Relationship
HV6594.P36 2006 Partner Stalking : How Women Respond, Cope, and Survive

Routine Activities and Stalking Victimization in Sexual Minority College Students
Stalking the stalkers – detecting and deterring stalking behaviours using technology: A review
More articles on stalking

Overcoming Fear After Being Stalked | Robin Brockelsby | TEDxUniversityofNevada
What you need to know about stalkerware | Eva Galperin | Ted Talk
Stalking Real Fear, Real Crime

Mental Breakthrough – Season 1 Episode 17: No One Believes You When Your Ex Stalks You
Confabulation – Podcast by Our Sister’s House

Campus Resources for those who have questions or concerns about stalking
Magdalena Stickel
CGE Confidential Advocate
(253) 535-8204

Jennifer Childress-White
PLU Title IX Coordinator
(253) 535-7361

Community Resources
Crystal Judson Family Justice Center
(253) 798-4166

Our Sister’s House
(253) 383-4275

Tacoma Community House
(253) 383-3951

Online Resources SPARC