Mark Mulder, Ph.D.

Phone: 253-535-7258
Office Location: Morken Center for Learning & Technology - 171
Curriculum Vitae: View my CV
- Professional
- Biography
Additional Titles/Roles
- Associate Professor School of Business
- Ph.D., Marketing & Consumer Behavior, Washington State University, 2012
- Management Development Program, Harvard University, 2002
- M.B.A., Technology & Innovation Management, Pacific Lutheran University, 2000
- B.B.A., Human Resources and Total Quality Management, Pacific Lutheran University, 1993
Areas of Emphasis or Expertise
- Marketing
- Consumer Behavior & Decision Making
- Marketing Strategy & Planning
- Nonprofit Organizations/Marketing
- Effective Branding & Narratives (Business & Nonprofits)
- Global/Social Impact Projects & Transformative Change
- Emerald Insights Citations of Excellence Research Award for Impactful Research (2016)
- Excellence in Teaching Award, PLU School of Business (2016)
- LIVE UNITED Service & Leadership Award, Tacoma/Pierce County United Way (2016)
- Research Award, PLU School of Business (2015)
- Innovative Volunteer Recognition in 2014 Living Water International Annual Report (2015)
- Professor of the Year Award, Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honor Society, PLU (2014)
- Excellence in Mentoring Award Nominee, PLU (2014)
- Excellence in Teaching Award, Wells Fargo/PLU School of Business (2014)
- David T. Alger Service Award, Pacific Lutheran University (2013)
- Nominee – WSU Graduate Professional Student Association, TA Excellence Award (2009 & 2010)
- Graduate Scholarship/Graduate Research Assistantship – WSU College of Business (2008-2012)
- Quigg Excellence and Innovation Award. Pacific Lutheran University (2007)
- Presidential (U.S.) Service Award. Selfless and significant service (2005, 2006 & 2007)
- 40 under Forty Leadership Award. Business Examiner - Tacoma, WA (2005)
- City Service Award. City of Fife (WA) for community contributions (2005)
- Outstanding Community Service Award. Pacific Lutheran University (2004)
- Beta Gamma Sigma. International business honor society (2000 Lifetime inductee)
Dr. Mulder is currently Dean and has taught in the undergraduate and graduate programs (Master of Business Administration – MBA and Master of Science in Marketing Analytics – MSMA) in the PLU School of Business. His coursework includes marketing strategy, consumer behavior, market research, nonprofit marketing/management, sustainability, and social impact.
Professor Mulder regularly leads global courses and projects, and in 2013 created an innovative new course in the PLU School of Business that allows students to earn internship credit and participate in a unique, global project. In this course, students experience and grow in the areas of community building and engagement, outreach and education (locally and globally), fundraising, crowdfunding, and international nonprofit projects. The course utilizes an interdisciplinary approach blending business, philosophy, Hispanic studies, communication, culture and the political environment to prepare students for their global experience. During that experience, students work collaboratively with a community in Nicaragua, installing a well and teaching health to adults and children. In the MBA program, Professor Mulder leads courses in Peru for the PLU MBA program, showcasing business in an emerging economy and connecting business practices to indigenous, sustainable and social impact (i.e., UN Global Compact) programs.
Dr. Mulder is also an active consultant, assisting business and nonprofit clients to realize their market potential. This work includes identifying the existing market position, opportunities, and branding strategies. He consults professionally, academically and with students, and has completed over 20 research projects with students and clients through their academic coursework, and via over a dozen internship/capstone/grant funded research projects. The active practice of research and consulting connects well with the academic learning and research integration. In many cases, client consulting projects serve as the “lens” from which students apply their learning and build real-world skills through their coursework. In other cases the research is focused on community change, as in 2014 when Dr. Mulder help co-lead a student research project which was awarded a $10,000 research grant by the Independent Colleges of Washington and Puget Sound Energy.
As an active researcher, Dr. Mulder has published in leading marketing journals and presented research at leading national and international marketing conferences. His research in the areas of Consumer Behavior, Transformative Consumer Research and Branding/Narratives has resulted in over 30 journal and conference publications. In 2016, one of the articles he co-authored (Transformative Services Research) was awarded the Emerald Insights Citations of Excellence Research Award for most impactful research. In 2017, Dr. Mulder will co-lead a team of marketing researchers focused on poverty alleviation efforts, which is focused through the lens of business and transformative change. This multi-year research project will commence at the 2017 Association of Consumer Research/Transformative Consumer Research Conference at Cornell University, and will include a diverse team of marketing faculty/researchers who will collaborate with nonprofits and communities in Central America. Dr. Mulder believes the blend of teaching and research is important – and he actively integrates research into his coursework – blending his own research findings/expertise with insights from other marketing research areas. In addition, his research into pedagogy and transformative learning processes is integrated into his global projects and PLU courses.
Dr. Mulder is a recognized educator, researcher and servant leader. A two-time recipient of the PLU School of Business Teaching Award, he has also been selected as Professor of the Year (Beta Gamma Sigma honor society), and has been awarded with the PLU School of Business Research Award. As a community leader and servant, Dr. Mulder has been a recipient of the LIVE UNITED Award from the Tacoma/Pierce County United Way, and with the David T. Alger Service Community Leadership/Service Award. In the business community, Dr. Mulder has been recognized with the 40 under Forty Leadership Award from the Business Examiner, and has served on the board and as President of the local Chamber of Commerce. Serving locally, he has also served as co-chair for the 2016 Franklin Pierce Schools Bond Campaign, which seeks to have voters approve a bond for the first time in 20 years and significantly improve the district facilities which are educating the leaders of tomorrow. Serving globally, Dr. Mulder has led six global service projects around clean water, collaborating and assisting almost 2,000 community members in Honduras and Nicaragua achieve reliable access to clean water for decades. Through this work and the creative approaches to involving others in clean water projects, he was recognized in a 2015 annual report for a global nonprofit for these efforts.
Professor Mulder is a proud member of the Parkland community, and seeks to find ways to not just live in Parkland, but to live FOR and WITH Parkland. He is an active supporter and volunteer in the Parkland and greater Tacoma communities. He is also a proud LUTE, and as an alum appreciates the opportunity to teach and mentor at the institution he loves. “PLU was transformative for me, and I hope I can make it transformational for my students.” Go Lutes!
Gillespie, B., Mulder, M.R. & Lieb, M. (forthcoming). Who’s Laughing Now? The Effect of Simulated Laughter on Consumer Enjoyment of Television Comedies and the Laugh-Track Paradox. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, (Accepted June 2016).
Bublitz, M.G., Peracchio, L.A., Escalas, J.E., Furchheim, P., Grau, S.L., Hamby, A., Kay, M.J., Mulder, M.R., & Scott, A. (forthcoming). Transformative Stories: A Framework for Crafting Stories for Social Impact Organizations. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, (Accepted July 2016). [Journal ABDC Rank: A]
Mulder, M.R., & Joireman, J. (2016). Encouraging Charitable Donations via Charity Gift Cards: A Self-Determination Theoretical Account. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 28 (3), 234-251. [Journal ABDC Rank: B]
Mulder, M.R., Rapp, J., Hamby, A. & Weaver, T. (2015). Consumer Transformation through Volunteer Service Experiences. Service Industries Journal, 35 (15-16), 865-882. [Journal ABDC Rank: B]
Radighieri, J. & Mulder, M.R. (2014). The Impact of Source Effects and Message Valence on Word of Mouth Retransmission. International Journal of Market Research, 56 (2), 249-263. [Journal ABDC Rank: B]
Anderson, L., Ostrom, A.S., Corus, C., Fisk, R.P., Gallan, A.S., Giraldo, M., Mende, M., Mulder, M.R., Rayburn, S. W., Rosenbaum, M.S., Shirahada, K. & Williams, J.D. (2013). Transformative Services Research: An Agenda for the Future. Journal of Business Research, 66 (8), 1203-1210. [Journal ABDC Rank: A]
** Emerald Insights Citations of Excellence Research Award for most impactful and cited research as awarded by the Emerald Publishing Group (2016)
Sarker, S., Chakraborty, S., Tansuhaj, P., Mulder, M.R. & Dogerlioglu Demir, K. (2013). The “Mail-Order-Bride” (MOB) Phenomenon in the Cyberworld: An Interpretive Investigation. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 4 (3), 10-36.
Mulder, M.R., Joireman, J., Gregoire, Y., Sprott, D.S. & Parks, C. (2012). Emerging Trends in Charitable Giving (Published Doctoral Dissertation). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (UMI ISBN: 9781267476876 1267476877).
Rosenbaum, M.S., Corus, C., Ostrom, A.L., Anderson, L., Fisk, R.P., Gallan, A.S., Mende, M., Mulder, M.R., Giraldo, M., Rayburn, S.W., Shirahada, K., & Williams, J.D. (2011). Conceptualization and Aspirations of Transformative Service Research. Journal of Research for Consumers, (19).
Book Chapter, Conference Publications & Presentations
Mulder, M.R. & Liu, R. (forthcoming). An Overview of the Environmental Benefits of Organic Food Production, in Muehling, Darrel & Ioannis Kareklas (Eds), Deciphering Organic Foods: A Comprehensive Guide to Organic Food Consumption. Nova Science: NY. (Accepted May 2016).
Peracchio, L.A., Bublitz, M.G., Escalas, J.E., Furchheim, P., Grau, S.L., Hamby, A., Kay, M.J., Mulder, M.R., & Scott, A. (forthcoming). Transformative Digital Storytelling: A Framework for Crafting Stories for Social Change Organizations. Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Mulder, M.R. (forthcoming). Transformation Intersection: Global Place-Based Experience and Transformative Learning Pedagogy. Proceedings of the International Transformative Learning Conference (XII).
King, S., Mulder, M.R. & Liu, R. (2016). Investigating Consumer Responses to Nonprofit Overhead Costs. Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Marketing and Public Policy Conference, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Grau, S. L., Hamby, A., Scott, A. Mulder, M.R., Bublitz, M. & Furchheim, P. (2016). Stories with a Purpose: Leveraging the Art and Science of Storytelling to Promote Social Change. Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Marketing & Public Policy Conference, Riverside, CA.
Mulder, M.R. (2016). A Transformative Marketing Pedagogy via Disorientation: Intersection of Service, Outreach, Crowdfunding, Internships and a Unique Study Away Experience. Proceedings of the Marketing Educators Association National Conference, Denver, CO.
Mulder, M.R., Rapp, J., Hamby, A. & Weaver, T. (2015). Donde Esta Mi Agua Viva? Perspectives on Water Supply and Social Change, and a Future Research Agenda. American Marketing Association Marketing & Public Policy Conference, Washington DC.
Radighieri, J. & Mulder, M.R., (2015). Brand Alliances in Sustainability Marketing. Proceedings of the Southwest Decision Sciences Institute, Houston, TX.
Joireman, J., Mulder, M.R., Gregoire, Y. & Sprott, D.S. (2015). Who Moved My Donation? Benefits and Challenges in Connecting Donors and Recipients via Peer-to-Peer Charities. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Association for Psychological Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Mulder, M.R., Liu, R. & Joireman, J. (2014). Consumer Responses to Charity Disclosures: Potential Downsides of Legislative Approaches. Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Boston, MA.
Mulder, M.R., Joireman, J. & Gregoire, Y. (2014). Growing Nonprofit Giving Via Peer-to-Peer Connections: Benefits and Potential Backlash. Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Lima Peru.
Gillespie, B., Mulder, M.R., & Lieb, M. (2014). Who’s Laughing Now? Toward an Understanding of Simulated Laughter and the Laugh-Track Paradox. Proceedings of the Society of Consumer Psychology Conference, Miami, FL.
Mulder, M.R., Tuzovic, S., Rapp, J. & Rosenbaum, M.S. (2013). Paradox of New Textbook Adoption: When Do ‘Newest’ Editions Matter to Students? Marketing Educators Association National Conference, Portland, OR.
Mulder, M.R. & Joireman, J. (2012). Managing & Marketing Global Not-For-Profit Services: Encouraging the Gifting of Charity via Charity Gift Cards. Proceedings of the Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Gillespie, B., Taylor, D., Mulder, M.R., & Lieb, M. (2012). The Interactive Role of Narrative Transportation on Repeated Viewership and Program Familiarity in Television Programming. Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Mulder, M.R., Radighieri, J. & Joireman, J. (2012). The Impact of Feedback from Acquaintances, Friends & Experts on the Repurchase Intentions of Sustainable Products. Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Gillespie, B., Taylor,D., Mulder, M.R., & Lieb, M. (2012). The Interactive Role of Narrative Transportation on Repeated Viewership and Program Familiarity in Television Programming, in What is Television?: A Conference to Explore the Past, Present and Future of Television, Portland, OR.
Mulder, M.R. & Joireman, J. (2011). Cause for Concern: The Downside of Connecting Donors and Recipients in P2P Charities. Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Washington D.C.
Mulder, M.R. & Joireman, J. (2011). Charities & Service Failures: When Good + Good = Bad. Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Radighieri, J. & Mulder, M.R., (2010). The Role of the Brand Alliance in Sustainability Marketing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Sustainability, Portland, OR.
Mulder, M.R. & Joireman, J. (2010). The Impact of Mortality Salience on Foreign Product Evaluation: an Important Moderator. Proceedings of the Association of Consumer Research Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Mulder, M.R., Joireman, J. & Lin, Y.S. (2010). A Comparison of Two Interventions for Reducing Aggressive Driving. Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Marketing and Public Policy Conference, Denver, CO.
Joireman, J., Mulder, M.R. & Gillespie, B. (2010). Towards Better Control in the Health Setting: The Strength Control Model and the Consideration of Future Consequences. Proceedings of the Inland Northwest Health Sciences Symposium.
Mulder, M.R. & Joireman, J. (2010). Does Consumer Ethnocentrism Moderate the Impact of Mortality Salience on Foreign Product Evaluation? Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.