MediaLab's Current Client Spotlight
Auburn Symphony Orchestra
Auburn Symphony Orchestra is a local professional symphony orchestra in Auburn, WA. MediaLab has produced two videos for them in recent years and is currently producing photography work for Auburn Symphony Orchestra’s social media and other promotional purposes.

The Grand Cinema
Medialab has partnered with the Grand Cinema to create a series of advertisements, highlighting the local movie theater. On top of that, this year, Medialab ran social media and advertising for the Tacoma Film Festival and the Oscars watch party both of which the Grand Cinema hosts annually. This included photos, tiktoks, and two sizzle reels that will be used to promote both events in the future.
Blue Zones
Blue Zones is the Parkland branch of the larger Blue Zones Project. The organization works to establish initiatives that improve lifestyles and build a happier and healthier community by working for and with Parkland residents. MediaLab is currently producing a mini-series of videos following individuals engaging with the Blue Zones project and how it has impacted them for the better.

Nisqually Land Trust
The Nisqually Land Trust protects and stewards lands to permanently benefit the water, fish, wildlife, and people of the Nisqually River Watershed. Volunteers help monitor and restore protected lands by contributing their time, expertise and enthusiasm. MediaLab created a short video highlighting their annual salmon bake, as well as creating a photo gallery of the event. We hope to partner with them for projects in the future!
Social Media