Press Room
The successes of MediaLab and its members have generated significant news coverage. Here are a few of the articles that have helped create and sustain the buzz about MediaLab…
South Sound Magazine
“MediaLab Documentary Wins 2021 College Emmy”
–South Sound Magazine
Oct 13, 2021
PLU Newsroom
“Living on the Edge is the story of a community, North Cove in southwest Washington, who are experiencing extreme rates of coastal erosion.”
–PLU Newsroom
April 11, 2019
PLU Newsroom
“PLU students, alumni collectively earn four Emmy nominations for work in student media”
–PLU Newsroom
May 8, 2018
Tacoma Weekly
“PLU MediaLab tackles diversity in new documentary series”
-Tacoma Weekly
March 29, 2018

PLU Newsroom
“MediaLab explores issues of diversity with premiere of documentary series, ‘A World of Difference’”
–PLU Newsroom
January 29, 2018
Sedalia Democrat
“Sedalia first stop in documentary about diversity across the U.S.”
–Sedalia Democrat
May 30, 2017
Watertown Daily Times
“Changing Currents documentary has East Coast premiere Saturday in Clayton”
-Watertown Daily Times
April 28, 2017

PLU Newsroom
“PLU’s MediaLab wins 2017 National Broadcasting Society Award”
–PLU Newsroom
April 6, 2017
Tacoma Weekly
“Newest MediaLab film warns of troubled waters”
-Tacoma Weekly
November 3, 2016
Tacoma Weekly
“PLU’s MediaLab looks back, looks ahead”
-Tacoma Weekly
October 27, 2016
PLU Newsroom
“Newest MediaLab documentary film, set to premiere Nov. 12, warns PLU community and beyond about troubled waters”
–PLU Newsroom
October 24, 2016

PLU Newsroom
“MediaLab reminisces on a decade of service, invites alumni to mark anniversary with fundraising event at Tacoma Art Museum”
–PLU Newsroom
October 17, 2016
The Peninsula Gateway
“10th annual Donkey Creek Chum Festival introduces new short film about location”
–The Peninsula Gateway
September 14, 2016
The Seattle Times
“In filmmaking quest, students gather tips on how to make the most of college”
–The Seattle Times
November 9, 2015
Tacoma Weekly
“MediaLab Breaks Down the Food Equation”
-Tacoma Weekly
October 24, 2014

New Filmmakers New York
“On Wednesday, March 26th, NewFilmmakers ends its Winter Season with a Documentary Series and two Short Film Programs.”
–New Filmmakers New York
March 26, 2014
The Puyallup Herald
“PLU’s MediaLab documentary team wins prestigious Accolade award”
-The Puyallup Herald
December 25, 2013
The News Tribune
“PLU MediaLab production wins award”
-The News Tribune
December 18, 2013

PLU Newsroom
“Diving into ‘Tapped Out: Unearthing the Global Water Crisis’”
–PLU Newsroom
Summer 2013
Business Wired
“Business Wire Gives Back with Contribution to Journalism Scholarship”
–Business Wired
June 24, 2013

Tacoma Weekly
“PLU’s MediaLab Examines ‘Compassion Fatigue’”
-Tacoma Weekly
February 16, 2012
The News Tribune
“Film explores the cost of ‘compassion fatigue’ on relief workers”
-The News Tribune
October 8, 2011
“Documentary Explores Fatigue Among ‘Helping Professions’”
October 7, 2011
The PLU Experience
“New MediaLab film explains ‘Compassion Fatigue’ ”
–The PLU Experience
October 1, 2011
The Peninsula Gateway
“PLU students nominated for ‘Oil Literacy’ documentary”
-The Peninsula Gateway
May 18, 2011
The Peninsula Gateway
“Filmmaker to screen Katrina-based feature”
-The Peninsula Gateway
April 11, 2011
The News Tribune
“PLU’s MediaLab film wins Emmy honor”
-The News Tribune
July 19, 2010
The Tacoma Weekly
“Pacific Lutheran University’s MediaLab Set to Premiere New Documentary”
-The Tacoma Weekly
April 20, 2010
Juneau Empire
“Student Filmmaker Earns Recognition”
-Juneau Empire
February 21, 2010
The Tacoma Weekly
“Pin–pointing the ‘Point of Entry’”
-The Tacoma Weekly
October 07, 2009
South Whidbey Record
“Freeland grad wins regional Emmy award for documentary”
–South Whidbey Record
June 05, 2009
Tacoma Weekly
“PLU documentary presents untold stories of ALCAN”
-Tacoma Weekly
October 31, 2007
Tacoma Weekly
“PLU students premiere documentary on guns, drugs and violence”
-Tacoma Weekly
October 1, 2008

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