Getting to Know the MSMR Candidates – Matthew Dixon

Matthew Dixon, 2019 MSMR Candidate, discusses his experiences with the program and gives advice to future MSMA students.
What has been your favorite project that you have worked on so far during the MSMR program?
The capstone project I’m currently working on has been my favorite project so far. I believe this is due to the freedom I was given to go about the project. I had to go out in the real world and find a company to work with, which has given me all the freedom to work on what I want and what I’m interested in. I feel like a real adult. This has allowed me to either succeed or fail all on my own.
Why did you choose the MSMR program?
The program was actually presented to me while I was pursuing job opportunities with my mathematics degree. Last year, I went to the capstone presentations of the 2018 MSMR cohort and I was deeply impressed by the students and their projects. As I graduated with a Bachelor in Mathematics, the amount of data analytics in the program really interested me. Throughout the program, especially during the second semester, I have learned several advanced analytical tools. Then I also get knowledge in marketing, which will help me bridge the communication gap between marketing and IT in my future work place.
What advice do you have for future MSMA students?
Don’t be intimidated by the scope of the projects when you first hear about them. An example would be the first projects when you have to find companies all by yourself. It was intimidating to me at first, but it’s not as hard as it sounds. Most companies in my experience love working with graduate students and are happy to give you a little of their time since they don’t have to pay you. Also, take advantage of the opportunities to network. Don’t be afraid to make yourself look like a fool from time to time, and then accept the help of those who want to mentor you. The last advice I would like to give is that it’s never too early to start applying for jobs. It’s always better to start early than late.