University Symphony Orchestra
This ensemble undertakes an ambitious five-concert series of programs exploring the finest in orchestral repertoire. In addition, the members of the orchestra participate in the annual Christmas concerts, hosts an annual orchestra invitational involving several high school orchestras, and presents a Spring concert featuring outstanding PLU soloists.
University Wind Ensemble
The Wind Ensemble presents four major programs each year, tours annually in the Northwest, hosts the annual Northwest High School Honor Band Festival, and often plays off campus at high schools, festivals, and conventions. In addition, the group joins forces with the University Symphony Orchestra to provide ceremonial music for all university events such as convocations and graduation.
University Concert Band
The PLU Concert Band is a non-auditioned ensemble made up of PLU students in all areas and disciplines of the university as well members from the PLU community. The band rehearses one evening per week and performs at the conclusion of each semester. Membership is open to all students with prior high school music experience
University Jazz Ensemble
The University Jazz Ensemble (UJE) is the critically-acclaimed large ensemble representing jazz and creative music at Pacific Lutheran University. The ensemble performs four concerts per season on the PLU campus, and it often appears at jazz venues in the Puget Sound area, regional high schools, and national jazz festivals. The ensemble repertoire includes traditional jazz big band works from all eras of the music, as well as new compositions and arrangements by contemporary composers and PLU students.
Jazz Combos
This class is an organized jazz combo rehearsal and forum, and it also serves as a beginning improvisation class. Jazz combos perform on campus twice a year, and they are often featured at local jazz venues and jazz festivals.
PLU Ringers
PLU Ringers is a chamber ensemble open to all students. We ring handbells and handchimes. This group can often be heard in concerts around Christmas time, and presents a spring concert as well. Reading music is an asset, but not a requirement for membership in the group. The ensemble meets on Fridays from 3:40-5:10 pm.
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