Marathon runner and musician- an interview with new music faculty member Lark Powers

By Kate Williams '16
Outreach Manager
In demand as a solo and collaborative artist, as well as an adjudicator and presenter, Lark Powers brings her extensive experience to the PLU music department.
What is your background?
I grew up in Northern California in Humboldt county, on the coast close to the Oregon border. Growing up, I studied both piano and violin. I attended the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California and then lived in Paris for three years studying piano. From there, I moved to Baltimore to attend the Peabody Institute for four years and finished my education with a doctorate at the University of Colorado Boulder. I’ve taught at East Central University in Oklahoma, Washington State University and now am thrilled to be working at Pacific Lutheran University.

I have performed in the Philadelphia’s Kimmel Center, the 92nd Street Y in New York City and at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Internationally, I have been heard in Europe, Mexico and Canada, including performances at the International Festival of Spanish Keyboard Music in Almería, Spain, the Simón Bolívar Amphitheater in Mexico City, and the Bibliothèque de Dinan, in Brittany, France.
Upcoming events/performances?
I’ll be playing one of the piano parts in the upcoming performance of Rossini’s “Petite Messe Solennelle” with the Choral Union on November 12.
What made you choose PLU?
PLU’s focus on service and vocation resonated with me, and with it’s smaller size and focus on supporting students, I felt it was the kind of place I could have a positive impact on students.
Experience so far?
I’m so impressed with the care and dedication faculty have for students.
Any fun facts about you?
I love long distance running and have completed six marathons. I can’t wait to start training for the next one!
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