PLU Trumpet Ensemble live on KING-FM

By Kate Williams '16
On March 15th at 8 p.m., the PLU Trumpet Ensemble will be performing live in Seattle on KING-FM for their “Northwest Focus Live” program.
The opportunity came about earlier in the school year when the music office received a message from the NW Focus Live producers asking if PLU had any ensembles who would like to participate in the live radio broadcast.
“I jumped at the chance to have the PLU Trumpet Ensemble perform because I have been looking for ways to show this great group off the wider community. This is the perfect venue.”
“Also, as a trumpet player I have performed on this same radio show twice myself, once with the Mosaic Brass Quintet, and once with the Lyric Brass Quintet,” Zachary Lyman, Associate Professor of Music – Trumpet; Chair of Winds and Brass at PLU.
Pieces that will be performed include an eclectic mix of modern work written for large trumpet ensemble (Eric Ewazen, Joan Tower, Kevin McKee, etc.) as well as arrangements of Renaissance music by Palestrina and Gesualdo and Baroquie pieces by Telemann and Bach.
“One of the pieces we’ll be performing was arranged for us by one of my trumpet students: Kyle Doughton (junior trumpet performance major). He arranged a piece of music from the video game “Undertale” by Toby Fox.”
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