PLU Invitational Choral Festival

Monday, March 3, and Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Mary Baker Russell Music Center | Brian Galante, Director
Each year we invite some of the finest high school choirs in the Northwest to come together in the vibrant acoustics of Lagerquist Concert Hall. Our festival is intentionally informal and non-competitive. We seek to establish an atmosphere that encourages positive support and growth while maintaining high standards of performance. Each choir is allotted 20 minutes on stage—10 minutes of performance time and a 10-minute clinic, onstage, with one of our choral faculty. You may bring repertoire that you’ve already performed, something you’re working on for large ensemble contest, or something simply to try out in front of an audience!
Anticipated Schedule:
Due to significant demand schools may register one advanced choral ensemble. Any voicing is fine. If there is room in the schedule, directors may be contacted and invited to bring a second ensemble. The schedule for each day is divided into two blocks: because of the high demand for participation in recent years and the limited number of students that can sit in our hall at any one time, choirs are scheduled in either a morning session or afternoon session. We ask all groups to stay in the hall for the entirety of the schedule block, to provide an attentive and supportive audience for each of the ensembles. The PLU Choir of the West will perform between the morning and afternoon session each day. You have the opportunity to rank your preference for scheduling on the registration form.
Other Considerations:
- Attire: Choirs are requested to wear informal performance attire (e.g., choir t-shirts, polos, etc.).
- Recordings and Comments: All performances are recorded and will be shared, along with comments from our faculty, via Google Drive. Comments are shared at the end of each day. Recordings may take additional time to process.
- Lunch: We regret that we cannot offer lunch services on campus. Please make arrangements for lunch before or after your scheduled session.
Application Form:
- Applications for our 2025 Choral Invitational are now available. Click the button below to complete the online form. Information about our Spring 2025 event will continue to be updated on this page as needed.
- The cost to attend is $200 per ensemble, to be invoiced after confirmation of your acceptance and scheduled time.
Please note that no refunds will be allowed after event registration has been completed.
For Questions:
Brian Galante, Associate Dean, School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Director of Choral Studies
Pacific Lutheran University
(253) 535-7603 e-mail:
Abby Deskins, Coordinator of Educational Outreach Programs
College of Professional Studies; Pacific Lutheran University
(253) 535-7877 e-mail:
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