PLU Ringers
Directed by Dr. Linda Miller
PLU Ringers is a chamber ensemble open to all students. We ring handbells and handchimes. This group can often be heard in concerts around Christmas time, and presents a spring concert as well. Reading music is an asset, but not a requirement for membership in the group. The ensemble meets on Mondays and Fridays from 5:30-7:00 pm in MBR (room #116). Check out our Facebook page to stay up to date with activity and performances.
Student Conductors: Hailey Wharton & Caroline Bergren
Hailey Wharton
Hailey is a music education major with a focus in secondary choral music. She is currently student teaching at Mt. View Middle School in Auburn. Hailey has been a member of Ringers for 3 years, and will graduate in December 2023.
Caroline Bergren
Caroline Bergren is a Senior music education major with a focus in secondary choral music. She is in her fifth year and has been a member of Ringers since the first semester of her Freshman year.
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